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Ticket Summary Owner Priority Milestone Component Version
#362 GCii GEC7 Demo request NIDHI major ORCABEN SPIRAL1
#363 GEC7 demo requirements for CMULAB NIDHI major CMULAB SPIRAL2
#364 GEC7 Demonstration for OFWI NIDHI major OFUWI SPIRAL2
#367 GEC7 Demonstration for OFGT NIDHI major OFGT SPIRAL1
#369 siXis 10GE GEC7 Demonstration NIDHI major GPO SPIRAL1
#194 Complete OpenFlow workshop major ENTGENI: Host OpenFlow workshop at Stanford GPO SPIRAL1
#393 OFSTAN: S2.a Release OpenFlow 1.0 major OFSTAN: S2.a Release OpenFlow 1.0 OFSTAN SPIRAL2
#308 OFPR: S2.a1 Select vendors major OFPR: S2.a1 Select vendors OFPR SPIRAL2
#384 OFPR: S2.a2 Purchase equipment major OFPR: S2.a2 Purchase equipment OFPR SPIRAL2
#891 wiki page missing for project #1845 Mark Berman major GPO SPIRAL4
#933 duplicate pages SENSORKITS SensorKits Mark Berman trivial GPO SPIRAL4
#545 Milestone S2.g completion major ORBIT: S2.g Demo experiments with multiple testbeds ORBIT SPIRAL2
#402 OFI2: S2.a Complete initial deployment plan major OFI2: S2.a Complete initial deployment plan OFI2 SPIRAL2
#551 Intstall first I2 OpenFlow switch in Atlanta major OFI2: S2.c Deploy OpenFlow switches to five POPs OFI2 SPIRAL2
#561 Install Internet2 OpenFlow switch in New York major OFI2: S2.c Deploy OpenFlow switches to five POPs OFI2 SPIRAL2
#563 Install Internet2 OpenFlow switch in Houston major OFI2: S2.c Deploy OpenFlow switches to five POPs OFI2 SPIRAL2
#625 OFI2: S2.b Lab test OpenFlow 1.0 capable switch and controller major OFI2: S2.b Lab test OpenFlow 1.0 capable switch and controller OFI2 SPIRAL2
#626 OFI2: S2.c Deploy OpenFlow switches to five POPs major OFI2: S2.c Deploy OpenFlow switches to five POPs OFI2 SPIRAL2
#627 OFI2: S2.d Complete draft plan for integrating initial deployment with ProtoGENI major OFI2: S2.d Complete draft plan for integrating initial deployment with ProtoGENI OFI2 SPIRAL2
#628 OFI2: S2.e Engineer and test regional network connections major OFI2: S2.e Engineer and test regional network connections OFI2 SPIRAL2
#630 OFI2: S2.f Provide access to OpenFlow slivers for testing major OFI2: S2.f Provide access to OpenFlow slivers for testing OFI2 SPIRAL2
#631 OFI2: S2.g Plan and engineer GEC 9 demo major OFI2: S2.g Plan and engineer GEC 9 demo OFI2 SPIRAL2
#989 Add Flash policy server to stitching AM major I2AM SPIRAL5
#1008 ION AM should trust GENI Clearinghouse major I2AM SPIRAL5
#1136 Links are listed twice in OESS Advertisement Rspecs major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1137 OESS request Rspecs do not pass rspeclint due to schema location mismatch and schema syntax major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1138 OESS aggregate getversion does not return meaningful FOAM version major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1140 oess geni_status remains in "configuring" state even after circuits are ready critical STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1141 Submitting a sliver request that fail does not generate any user-visible errors major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1142 OESS aggregate does not expire slivers major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1273 AL2S OESS aggregate does not support multiple links major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1274 AL2S OESS aggregate createsliver request fails with Unable to find path error major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1279 AL2S OESS aggregate does not include 'expires' in manifest rspec element major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1285 AL2S OESS aggregate version unchanged after update minor STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1289 AL2S OESS aggregate reports exception for stanford to missouri path critical STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1330 ION/AL2S paths are missing VLANs blocker STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1331 OESS advertisement missing stitching information for New York and Salt Lake major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1350 Deleting slivers at OESS aggregate causes Gateway Time-out failure major STITCHING SPIRAL7
#1400 AL2S AM cannot handle disk_image elements with URL attributes critical STITCHING SPIRAL7
#988 configure IP tables to only pass required ports on I2 Stitching AM luke fowler <> major I2AM SPIRAL5
#1291 AL2S switch upgrade impact on stitching sites. critical GPO SPIRAL6
#1347 ION allocates VLAN not in requested range major STITCHING SPIRAL7
#60 PlanetLab Demo for GEC4 major PLANETLAB SPIRAL1
#61 Develop, write up and post to wiki plan for developing a registry that federates with ProtoGENI. major DigitalObjectRegistry: Plan to meet registry needs of at least one control framework. DIGOBREG SPIRAL1
#300 OFCLEM: S2.a1 Select vendors Kuang-Ching Wang major OFCLEM: S2.a1 Select vendors OFCLEM SPIRAL2
#378 Milestone OFCLEM: S2.a2 Purchase equipment Kuang-Ching Wang major OFCLEM: S2.a2 Purchase equipment OFCLEM SPIRAL2
#379 OFCLEM: S2.b Campus small deployments Kuang-Ching Wang major OFCLEM: S2.b Campus small deployments OFCLEM SPIRAL2
#585 OFCLEM: S2.c Install GENI software with AM API implementation Kuang-Ching Wang major OFCLEM: S2.c Install GENI software with AM API implementation OFCLEM SPIRAL2
#586 OFCLEM: S2.d Begin integration testing with Stanford and BBN Kuang-Ching Wang major OFCLEM: S2.d Begin integration testing with Stanford and BBN OFCLEM SPIRAL2
#587 OFCLEM: S2.e Plan and engineer GEC 9 demo Kuang-Ching Wang major OFCLEM: S2.e Plan and engineer GEC 9 demo OFCLEM SPIRAL2
#588 OFCLEM: S2.f Upgrade small deployments to use OF 1.0 Kuang-Ching Wang major OFCLEM: S2.f Upgrade small deployments to use OF 1.0 OFCLEM SPIRAL2
#540 Milestone S2.a completion major WIMXNYUPT: S2.a Complete Installation WIMXNYUPT SPIRAL2
#661 VMI-FED: S2.g analysis doc major VMI-FED: S2.g analysis doc GPO SPIRAL2
#682 Stanford conenctivity outage 12/12/2010 major OFSTAN SPIRAL3
#684 Scheduled reboot of I2 of.atla OpenFlow core switch major GPO SPIRAL3
#705 scheduled OpenFlow Core outage 2.9.211 major GPO SPIRAL3
#748 scheduled OpenFlow Core re-configuration (potential outage) 2.15.2011 major GPO SPIRAL3
#751 Scheduled outage of BBN's ION circuits 5AM EST on 03-08-2011 major GPO SPIRAL3
#756 Rutgers and BBN Internet2 OpenFlow Core scheduled outage major GPO SPIRAL3
#64 Operational Dataset discussion strawman from GMOC jtw@ISI.EDU major TIED SPIRAL1
#66 Please add link(s) to this documentation or the documenttion itself to TIED wiki page. jtw@ISI.EDU major TIED: S1.b Initial component and clearinghouse documentation. TIED SPIRAL1
#108 Provide information on prototype clearinghouse and where/how it will operate. jtw@ISI.EDU major TIED SPIRAL1
#109 Identify GENI TIED release v 0.1 jtw@ISI.EDU major TIED: S1.c Release v 0.1 of component manager and clearinghouse. TIED SPIRAL1
#110 Explain how GENI users can access DETER via TIED jtw@ISI.EDU major TIED: S1.e Provide user access to DETER via TIED. TIED SPIRAL1
#165 Get feedback on GMOC internal data format from GENI projects major GMOC: S1.b.b Complete initial GMOC Data Exchanger Implementation GMOC SPIRAL1
#405 Porting VMI library to vServer-based cluster nodes. major GPO SPIRAL2
#406 Demonstration of initial VMI library on cluster nodes at UA (Demo at GEC8) major GPO SPIRAL2
#113 Define specialized operational dataset major GMOC: S1.b.b Define Specialized Operational Dataset GMOC SPIRAL1
#114 Define GMOC native data format and make availble to other GENI projects for comment major GMOC: S1.a.c Define GMOC Native Operational Data Format GMOC SPIRAL1
#167 Document what security services will be included in GMOC Spiral 1 data sharing design and prototype. major GMOC: S1.a.d Integrate Security services in GMOC framework GMOC SPIRAL1
#307 Develop slice view prototype with shared data from at least one GENI project major GMOC: S2.c Prototype slice view of operational data sharing GMOC SPIRAL2
#900 MOXIREGIONAL: S4.b Choose vendors and have orders in for OpenFlow switches and related equipment major MOXIREGIONAL: S4.b Choose vendors and have orders in for OpenFlow switches and related equipment MOXIREGIONAL SPIRAL4
#287 Milestone S2.a completion major IGENI: S2.a Define the iGENI infrastucture IGENI SPIRAL1
#404 Milestone S2.c completion major IGENI: S2.c Integrate iGENI with ORCA IGENI SPIRAL1
#766 milestone S3.b completion major iGENI: S3.b Documentation and Code Release IGENI SPIRAL3
#188 Third SPP node shipped Josh Karlin major SPP: Deploy three SPP nodes - SPP SPIRAL1
#189 WASH I2 node install Josh Karlin major ProtoGENI: Integrate, install 3 nodes in I2 - PROTOGENI SPIRAL1
#195 SALT install Josh Karlin major ProtoGENI: Integrate, install 3 nodes in I2 - PROTOGENI SPIRAL1
#197 KANS I2 install Josh Karlin major ProtoGENI: Integrate, install 3 nodes in I2 - PROTOGENI SPIRAL1
#30 Request feedback on strawman operational dataset from ORCA control framework group Jeff Chase [] blocker GMOC:Define Common Operational Dataset GMOC SPIRAL1
#203 KANS SPP having problems major SPP: Deploy three SPP nodes - PLANETLAB SPIRAL1
#797 Wisconsin Plenary Demo: ECOS major OFUWI SPIRAL4
#399 OFNOX: S2.b Release NOX supporting OpenFlow 1.0 Josh Smift major OFNOX: S2.b Release NOX supporting OpenFlow 1.0 OFNLR SPIRAL2
#615 OFNOX: S2.e Support campus installations of GENI software with AM API Josh Smift major OFNOX: S2.e Support campus installations of GENI software with AM API OFNOX SPIRAL2
#617 OFNOX: S2.f Port existing applications to latest OpenFlow identifiers Josh Smift major OFNOX: S2.f Port existing applications to latest OpenFlow identifiers OFNOX SPIRAL2
#619 OFNOX: S2.h Increase portability Josh Smift major OFNOX: S2.h Increase portability OFNOX SPIRAL2
#620 OFNOX: S2.i Release first version of SNAC/NOX console software Josh Smift major OFNOX: S2.i Release first version of SNAC/NOX console software OFNOX SPIRAL2
#621 OFNOX: S2.j Plan and engineer GEC 9 demo Josh Smift major OFNOX: S2.j Plan and engineer GEC 9 demo OFNOX SPIRAL2
#622 OFNOX: S2.k Support campuse upgrades to OF 1.0 and GENI API Josh Smift major OFNOX: S2.k Support campuse upgrades to OF 1.0 and GENI API OFNOX SPIRAL2
#685 OUTAGE: on 2011-01-17 from 20:00 - 23:00 -0500 Josh Smift critical GPO SPIRAL3
#787 GEC 12- GENICloud Demo Josh Smift major GENICLOUD SPIRAL4
#788 GEC12 Demo Request for GENI HiveMind Project Josh Smift major HIVE SPIRAL4
#789 OFCLEM: Steroid OpenFlow Service Josh Smift major OFCLEM SPIRAL4
#790 GMOC demo request for GEC12 Josh Smift major GMOC SPIRAL4
#791 I&M MDOD experimenter use case demo of IF-MAP in collaboration with Infoblox Josh Smift major LEARN: S2.l Contribution to GENI outreach LEARN SPIRAL3
#792 LEARN-ORCA cluster and VLAN demo Josh Smift major LEARN: S3.f Demonstration at GEC11 and Experimenter Outreach LEARN SPIRAL4
#793 GEC12: Taking mobile wide-area measurements over an urban GENI WiMAX deployment Josh Smift major WIMXNYUPT SPIRAL4
#794 GEC12 Demo - K-GENI and Virtualized Programmable Network Platform Josh Smift major KGENI SPIRAL4
#795 OnTimeMeasure Demo Request Josh Smift major OnTime: S3.e Demonstrate the use of OnTimeMeasure within a GENI experiment that utilizes multiple GENI tools/services ONTIME SPIRAL4
#796 WiMax Coverage Mapping at CU Boulder Josh Smift major WIMXUCO SPIRAL4
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