Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#1273 closed (fixed)

AL2S OESS aggregate does not support multiple links

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: STITCHING Version: SPIRAL6
Keywords: GENI Network Stitching Cc:


Writing ticket to capture current test issue.

In a scenario where this topology was tested:

Stanford VM1 <-AL2S-> Missouri VM<-AL2S-> Stanford VM2

The sliver is created, but the circuit are not set up because the OESS aggregate does not support multiple links.

Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by

Was able to create the sliver "Stanford VM1 <-AL2S-> Missouri VM<-AL2S-> Stanford VM2". But when I checked connectivity I could not exchange traffic between the Missouri VM and Stanford VM2.

The stitching path for the connection between Missouri VM and Stanford VM2:

Hop 1:
"vlan_tag": "1641", 

Hop 2:
"urn": "*", 
"vlan_tag": "1641", 

Hop 3:
"urn": "*", 
"vlan_tag": "1165", 

Hop 4:
"urn": "", 
"vlan_tag": "1165", 

Looking at router proxy stats now.

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by

Sorry had wrong link the link that did not work was the on between Stanford VM1 and Missouri. Checked the path for the non-working link:

"vlan_tag": "1161", 

Hop 2:
"urn": "*", 
"vlan_tag": "1161",

Hop 3:
"urn": "*", 
"vlan_tag": "1640"

Hop 4:
"urn": "", 
"vlan_tag": "1640",

Found that VLAN 1611 did not exist at Kansas router.

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by

I re-ran the topology "Stanford VM1 <-AL2S-> Missouri VM<-AL2S-> Stanford VM2" and this time it worked. I will run a set of test to get a sense of how often this fails.

This may take a while, since createslivers keep failing with the error:

"14:47:21 ERROR : Stitching failed with an error: <Hop u'*' on path u'link1'> computed availVlanRange is empty"

A side effect of aggregate not supporting 'any' for the vlan range request.

comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by

The topology "Stanford VM1 <-AL2S-> Missouri VM<-AL2S-> Stanford VM2" has been run five times.

Only one attempt worked with both links being able to exchange traffic.

The other 4 attempts had the same problem. The link between Stanford VM1 and Missouri VM did not work and each time the VLAN assigned could not be found in the list of VLANs for the Sunnyvale switch in the AL2S router proxy (

comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by

Ran a different topology (loop) with 1 VM at stanford and 1 VM at missouri, and two links connecting the two VMs, still had same problem, the second link could not exchange traffic and again its VLAN was missing at the Sunnyvale switch according to the AL2S router proxy.

comment:6 Changed 10 years ago by

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Reran the multiple link topology: Stanford VM1 <-AL2S-> Missouri VM<-AL2S-> Stanford VM2 and it works! I was able to exchange traffic on both links. Problem is resolved, closing ticket.

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