Custom Query (38 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Milestone Component Version
#134 AM API V3 provision fails with "this is not your ticket error" somebody major Experiment SPIRAL6
#135 AM API V3 GetVersion geni_single_allocation is a string '1' and should be an int somebody minor AM SPIRAL6
#136 AM API V3 Describe reports internal error for slice that does not exist at aggregate somebody major AM SPIRAL6
#137 vlanRangeAvailability ignored when request 'any' somebody major AM SPIRAL6
#62 rspeclint for sliver manifest reports unkown namespace somebody minor AM SPIRAL5
#63 incorrect or wrong component_manager_id results in unreported bad state sliver somebody major AM SPIRAL5
#75 Create Emergency Stop documentation for InstaGENI aggregates major Administration SPIRAL5
#77 AM V3 reports incorrect error when no local resources exist for the aggregate. somebody major AM SPIRAL5
#78 AM V3 reports incorrect error for bad credential type (type geni_sfaBROKEN) somebody major AM SPIRAL5
#83 Several sliver in GPO InstaGENI have not configured the requested client_id value somebody minor Experiment SPIRAL5
#93 Create document capturing outage notification process for site rack maintanance somebody major Administration SPIRAL5
#95 Inconsisent naming used for InstaGENI aggregates somebody major AM SPIRAL5
#100 Resource mapper bug when clientId is the same as the name of a physical host somebody major AM SPIRAL5
#103 InstaGENI Software Components Identification Documentation - Documentation requirement somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#104 InstaGENI Software Components Functional Description and Access to Source code - Documentation somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#105 InstaGENI Rack Resources Usage and Policy Documentation - Documentation requirement somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#106 InstaGENI Rack Resources Administration - Documentation requirement somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#107 InstaGENI Rack Administrative procedure for rack operations - Documentation requirement somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#108 InstaGENI Rack Administrative procedure for health status - Documentation requirement somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#109 Site Specific InstaGENI Deployment Data - Documentation requirements somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#110 InstaGENI Rack Site Operations documentation - Documentation requirement somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#115 SSH Keys missing after Joining an Existing Group in Web UI somebody major Administration SPIRAL5
#116 Xen host default image is not the same as in Advertisment RSpec somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#117 Unable to create custom image for FreeBSD82 somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#118 There is no check for lower limit of xen host guest memory size somebody major AM SPIRAL5
#119 Sliver creation for 20 sliver containing 2 VM plus one link each fails. IG-XN-3 Limits tests somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#120 Setup shared node support does not include XEN instructions somebody major Administration SPIRAL5
#121 No Monitoring statistics for Xen servers in GMOC monitoring data. somebody major Monitoring SPIRAL5
#123 xen request and allocation mismatch somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#125 Unable to login to Utah DDC procurve2 somebody major Administration SPIRAL5
#126 Sliver failures while requesting mulitple VLANs for PG Utah somebody major Experiment SPIRAL5
#129 AM API v3 performoperationalaction return is 0 major AM SPIRAL5
#130 AM API v3 geni_restart isn't restarting nodes? major AM SPIRAL5
#131 ExoSM resources do not appear in Flack major Experiment SPIRAL5
#13 Supported images availability and documentation major AM SPIRAL4
#14 Advertisment RSpec reports two default images somebody trivial Experiment SPIRAL4
#48 creating a 50 VM sliver causes failure - Fault -32400: 'XMLRPC Server Error' somebody major IG-EXP-3 Experiment SPIRAL4
#50 sliver manifest does not pass rspeclint somebody major IG-EXP-2 AM SPIRAL4
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.