Opened 11 years ago

#121 new

No Monitoring statistics for Xen servers in GMOC monitoring data.

Reported by: Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Monitoring Version: SPIRAL5
Keywords: Cc:


As part of the test case IG-XN-12: Xen Resource Monitoring, reviewing of the GMOC aggregate data takes place to find the following for the new Xen resources:

  1. Identify Xen VMs resources
  2. CPU Statistics
  3. Disk Statistics
  4. Virtualization statistics

Reviewed data for GPO and Utah InstaGENI Aggregates at the at GMOC and CPU, Disk and Virtualization statistics are not found.

There is information that identifies the server as a VM resource, but there is no information about the type of VM resource (openvz vs xen) in use.

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