{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (173 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1 - 100 of 173)

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(empty) (66 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#13 too many datapath measurements for slivers and resources WebUI new GEC15 defect major somebody 07/31/12
#10 users that aren't a member of an organization get an error in the Organizations section WebUI new GEC15 defect major somebody 07/31/12
#3 Figure out why captchas don't work for GMOC users on Chrome. WebUI closed fixed defect major Kevin Bohan 04/19/13
#23 GMOC DB Feature Request: 3rd Contact field with multiple types Database new GEC15 enhancement major somebody 03/21/13
#22 GMOC DB Feature Request: Assign/Change Roles in the UI WebUI new GEC15 enhancement major somebody 08/22/12
#4 Add logout functionality to the UI WebUI new enhancement minor Kevin Bohan 07/13/12
#173 sliver counts inconsistent between Slice summary page and Slice details page WebUI new task major somebody 07/23/13
#145 GMOC DB Feature Request: Notes Section WebUI new GEC16 task major somebody 04/17/13
#169 gmoc.py should syslog when interesting non-fatal things happen Clients new task minor daldoyle@grnoc.iu.edu 04/08/13
#9 make GMOC UI answer with a geni.net URL WebUI new GEC15 task major somebody 03/21/13
#163 gmoc.py requires interface names to be URNs, but xchange2db3 does not Clients new task major somebody 02/21/13
#162 gmoc.py requires resource names to be URNs, but xchange2db3 does not Database new task major somebody 02/21/13
#161 Allow the ability to define slivers without defining the whole aggregate Infrastructure new task major somebody 02/15/13
#159 create a UI for the GMOC Service Desk to use in inserting POP entries into gmoc-db Clients new task major daldoyle@grnoc.iu.edu 02/13/13
#156 numerous HASH-named category names and descriptions on gmoc-db Database new task major somebody 02/01/13
#155 when a newly-created aggregate submits data for the first time, the resource's aggregate field is unset in the database Database new task trivial somebody 01/31/13
#149 gmoc.py prepends a URN prefix onto invalid URNs provided by callers Clients new task major somebody 01/24/13
#147 gmoc.py expects GeoLocation(longitude, latitude) Clients new task minor somebody 01/17/13
#146 Relationship between aggregates and resources breaks if name of aggregate changes Clients new task major mrmccrac@grnoc.iu.edu 01/16/13
#144 document how to view and obtain data from gmoc-db WebUI new task major somebody 12/11/12
#126 new_user.cgi is confusing to users who already have GENI-created gmoc-db contact entries WebUI new task major somebody 10/15/12
#125 Allow some parts of the UI to be accessible without a password WebUI new task major somebody 10/11/12
#5 measurement data is silently dropped when the submitting username changes Infrastructure new task major somebody 10/08/12
#111 Can't modify Aggregate type using client Infrastructure new task major 10/03/12
#119 Consider how strict to be in verifying URNs Clients new task major somebody 10/03/12
#117 the web UI should display a mapping between aggregates and resources even if the resources have no slivers WebUI new task major somebody 10/02/12
#115 revisit storage of slice->creator as a principal type object Database new task major somebody 10/02/12
#110 the database should handle address, geolocation, and location the same way gmoc.py and the XML schema do Database new task minor somebody 10/02/12
#106 when a contact is updated and non-URN data changes, the contact entry should be modified to contain the new data Database new task minor somebody 10/02/12
#76 Include GMOC client version in XML Clients new task major somebody 09/04/12
#78 Resource's type should be from a list of enumerated types Clients new task minor somebody 09/04/12
#74 Organization's toXML() should print url Clients new task minor somebody 09/04/12
#34 Consider using python docstring functionality to replace pdf doc Clients new task major somebody 08/31/12
#21 normalize URLs to be consistent across multiple AuthN schemes WebUI new GEC15 task minor somebody 07/31/12
#20 integrate the GlobalNOC Atlas2 software into the GMOC UI WebUI new GEC15 task critical somebody 07/31/12
#17 make sure the GMOC database schema and the new object model are logically consistent Clients new GEC15 task major somebody 07/31/12
#16 design a common object model Clients assigned GEC15 task major Kevin Bohan 07/31/12
#11 only show the Organizations section when the user has one WebUI new GEC15 task minor somebody 07/31/12
#8 document up-to-date gmoc-db schema and supported metrics in a permanent place Infrastructure new GEC15 task major somebody 07/21/12
#2 add support for a metric which measures the durations of control calls made by an aggregate or resource Clients new task minor somebody 07/12/12
#172 data download only considers URN when downloading data about a slice Infrastructure closed fixed task major somebody 04/22/13
#168 GMOCClient.store() should provide more information about non-200 HTTP responses Clients closed fixed task minor somebody 04/08/13
#7 debug intermittent 500 errors in report_data_to_gmoc Infrastructure closed fixed task major somebody 03/21/13
#14 package the GMOC DB backend code into an RPM Infrastructure closed duplicate GEC15 task trivial somebody 03/21/13
#15 backport any local edits in production into SVN Infrastructure closed fixed GEC15 task minor somebody 03/21/13
#18 create web services for querying GMOC data Clients closed fixed GEC15 task major somebody 03/21/13
#32 Parameters set in the __init__ method should be validated Clients closed fixed task major somebody 03/21/13
#61 validateContactURN() error is confusing Clients closed wontfix task major somebody 03/21/13
#62 debugging XML output gives no indication as to where in the XML the error occurred Clients closed wontfix task minor somebody 03/21/13
#85 Fix Interface' maxBPS in document Clients closed wontfix task major somebody 03/21/13
#124 Make sure you can login to `gmoc.geni.net/protected` WebUI closed duplicate task major somebody 03/21/13
#157 organization metadata submission needs an overhaul Infrastructure closed fixed task major somebody 03/21/13
#160 gmoc.py download should allow a threshold to only download recently-reported data Clients closed fixed task major somebody 03/21/13
#19 create a GMOC client in Python Clients closed fixed GEC15 task critical somebody 03/21/13
#164 the interface table in the database should have a last_updated field Database closed fixed task major somebody 03/04/13
#154 when Interface() data is loaded directly from gmoc, Interface._resource is not set Clients closed fixed task major somebody 02/04/13
#148 xchange2db silently truncates Interface URNs at 64 characters Database closed fixed task major somebody 02/04/13
#114 the database should contain a direct link between aggregates and resources Database closed fixed task major somebody 02/01/13
#153 when two slices have the same UUID, a sliver may be mapped to the wrong one Database closed fixed task major somebody 01/31/13
#151 when a Sliver object is downloaded, the associated slice is not populated Clients closed fixed task major somebody 01/30/13
#152 when a Sliver object is downloaded, that sliver appears twice in sliver.aggregate.slivers Clients closed fixed task major somebody 01/30/13
#150 Interface() string representation fails when a NetAddress() is defined with an IPv4 address but no network Clients closed fixed task major somebody 01/30/13
#143 roll gmoc-db2 back to old dataset Infrastructure closed fixed task major somebody 11/27/12
#65 self.__endpoints() does not exist Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/03/12
#6 add CNAMEs gmoc.geni.net and gmoc-staging.geni.net to point to GMOC databases WebUI closed fixed GEC15 task major somebody 07/31/12
#1 configure a trac instance for GMOC operational monitoring use Infrastructure closed fixed task major chaos@bbn.com 07/12/12

2012-09-04 client release (34 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#90 `Network` object `circuits` can't be set Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/06/12
#88 Define `circuit-admin-state` constant in document. Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/06/12
#89 Resource id can be any type of URN in doc Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/06/12
#87 Add VLAN object to doc Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/06/12
#86 Add vlans to Interface object in doc Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/06/12
#84 Add Slice's primaryContact to doc Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/06/12
#83 Fix SliceAuthority's type in document Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/06/12
#71 when slivers are defined, Resource.slices throws an exception Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/06/12
#80 no Contact data is serialized into XML for SliceAuthority users Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/05/12
#49 many-to-many mapping of slivers to resources is not supported Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/05/12
#68 mandatory GMOCClient.serviceURL parameter is not required by __init__() Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/05/12
#60 validateContactURN generates URN in dubious namespace Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/05/12
#67 determine what to do about Aggregate unique identifier Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/05/12
#75 Slice's URN should have an authority matching it's SA Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/05/12
#79 `Resource`'s XML is missing `state` properties information Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/05/12
#81 Slice.toXML() output is missing creator parameter Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/04/12
#82 Slice.__init__() does the wrong thing when a created timestamp is provided Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/04/12
#77 Resource id should check that it's a URN Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/04/12
#73 Slice object's primaryContact should not be Creator's e-mail Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/04/12
#72 toXML() for Location object does not include Physical Address Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/04/12
#36 `SA_TYPE_PROTOGENI` should be of type string. Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/03/12
#66 the identifier for POP objects should be a URN Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/03/12
#70 Sliver.state parameter is encoded incorrectly in XML serialization Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/03/12
#69 Sliver.approved parameter is omitted from XML serialization Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/03/12
#35 `POP` is missing `sliceAuthorities` attribute Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/03/12
#59 typo in sliver setter of ResourceMapping object Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/03/12
#63 typo: Interface, Network, and ResourceMapping classes are multiply defined Clients closed invalid task minor somebody 09/03/12
#64 Resource.description is an optional parameter, but Resource.toXML() fails if it is not set Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/03/12
#33 `PhysicalAddress` improperly allows `id` to be set Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/02/12
#46 Aggregate.slices still iterates over Sliver.slices instead of using new non-list Sliver.slice Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/02/12
#48 don't autogenerate a URN for resources which don't provide one Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/02/12
#58 visible name `uuid_` of parameter to `Slice.__init__()` is confusing Clients closed fixed task minor somebody 09/02/12
#57 the Resource.pop setter is a noop Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/02/12
#55 Resource.__init__() no longer accepts pop argument Clients closed fixed task major somebody 09/02/12
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.