

16:43 Ticket #169 (request of type "raw-pc" gives a VM) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
I requested, from the ExoSM, a node of sliver_type="raw-pc". I got a …
16:42 Ticket #165 (Manifest Rspec reports allocate VMs as "exclusive="true" should be ...) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
15:40 Ticket #168 (Support ability to create OpenFlow experiment using user-defined VLAN ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Need to support user-defined OpenFlow VLANs via the AM API. Note, …
14:48 Ticket #167 (Experimenters should be allowed to change the dataplane IP address) created by lnevers@bbn.com
If the dataplane address is modified, it then restored to original …
13:58 Ticket #166 (default disk image - agree on something with InstaGENI) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
It would be nice if the default disk image for VMs were something that …
13:57 Ticket #165 (Manifest Rspec reports allocate VMs as "exclusive="true" should be ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
The current manigest RSpec incorrectly report VMs as "exclusive="true" …
13:55 Ticket #164 (sliver_id should not use #) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
The sliver_id field is not supposed to include a '#'. The current …
13:22 Ticket #163 (sliver_type: Treat m1.small as default if none specified) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
Having a list of sliver_types is great - thanks. With this, plus the …
11:05 Ticket #25 (Ad Rspec: stitching extension issues) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
duplicate: for clarity, close this in favor of the more specific tickets
11:05 Ticket #26 (Ad RSpec: Include external references) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
duplicate: for clarity, close this in favor of 38/39
11:03 Ticket #124 (Improve error message when openstack errors occur) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
wontfix: Ilia already called this a 'wontfix'


12:06 Ticket #162 (Unable to exchange traffic to/from a RENCI node on Shared VLAN 1750) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Closing ticket and posting question to geni-orca-users@googlegroups.com.
11:42 Ticket #162 (Unable to exchange traffic to/from a RENCI node on Shared VLAN 1750) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Running a 3 node experiment which has worked in the past, has been …


14:42 Ticket #133 (Attempt to create a sliver with bare metal node at incorrect aggregate ...) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Unable to reproduce the error shown in the original description. The …
14:09 Ticket #75 (Ad RSpec: Typo in an interface) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Verified that that Advertisement RSpec now show "BbnNet?/IBM" in place …
11:23 Ticket #81 (renewsliver not working in BBN rack) closed by jbs@bbn.com
fixed: Sounds good to me; closing.
10:50 Ticket #122 (Attempts to create slivers are failing at BBN SM, ExoSM, and RENCI SM) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: There have been many experiment run and have not run into the problem …
10:48 Ticket #117 (listreources for sliver hangs) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Checking status on unresolved tickets. Re-ran this scenario several …
10:45 Ticket #150 (getversion code tag returned need build numbers) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: GPO SM, RENCI SM, FIU SM and ExoSM are now consistent and show: …
10:42 Ticket #79 (RSpecs: Manifest fails to preserve interface IP element) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: This ticket should have been closed last September, closing now.
09:54 Ticket #105 (Unable to create slivers at BBN SM and ExoSM) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: This is no longer and issue, closing ticket.
09:53 Ticket #59 (renewing a sliver does not change "orca_expires") closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Checking status for unresolved tickets. Behavior seen in testing …


15:44 Ticket #157 (Creating a 2 VMs sliver with GIMI image fails with "resources failed ...) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Thank you, closing ticket.
14:46 Ticket #161 (Shared VLANs should be reserved by labels instead of VLAN IDs) created by tupty@bbn.com
I think we all know about this issue, but I just want to make a ticket …
14:08 Ticket #160 (sliverstatus prevents deletesliver for sliver which has failed at ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
According to Ilia: When a slivercreation fails there is garbage …
12:50 Ticket #159 (services_post_boot_script not reporting $self.MAC() and $sliceID()) created by lnevers@bbn.com
This ticket is to track the resolution of two remaining issues in a …


13:34 Ticket #158 (Check expires in request rspec and fail createsliver as appropriate) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Created a 2 VM sliver at the GPO SM with 2 VMs and 1 lan (attaching …
09:42 Ticket #157 (Creating a 2 VMs sliver with GIMI image fails with "resources failed ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Using the GIMI image listed at …
08:34 Ticket #156 (Re-creating an expired sliver brings back expired resources) created by lnevers@bbn.com
The following is the sequence of events that lead to expired resources …


16:13 Ticket #155 (Sliver reports "Nascent" state 30 minutes after createsliver) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Created a sliver at 3:39 and over 30 minutes later the sliver is still …
13:36 Ticket #154 (able to renewsliver expiration beyond slice expiration) closed by ibaldin@renci.org
duplicate: This is really same as 152. We don't look at SA cred document for …
13:23 Ticket #154 (able to renewsliver expiration beyond slice expiration) created by lnevers@bbn.com
In a scenario where the slice expiration is set to "2013-03-26 …
12:54 Ticket #153 (geni_sliver_info show the same time for creation and expiration) created by lnevers@bbn.com
The AM API acceptance test was run on March 11 08:06 am EDT. The AM …
12:13 Ticket #152 (Should remove the workaround for sliver expiration set to two weeks ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
In earlier versions, Orca set the expiration time for a sliver to a …[…]
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.