{2} Active Tickets by Version (52 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

(empty) (38 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#133 no method is provided for storing sliver measurements Clients task somebody new 10/17/12
#5 measurement data is silently dropped when the submitting username changes Infrastructure task somebody new 07/17/12
#34 Consider using python docstring functionality to replace pdf doc Clients task somebody new 08/31/12
#76 Include GMOC client version in XML Clients task somebody new 09/03/12
#111 Can't modify Aggregate type using client Infrastructure task new 10/02/12
#115 revisit storage of slice->creator as a principal type object Database task somebody new 10/02/12
#117 the web UI should display a mapping between aggregates and resources even if the resources have no slivers WebUI task somebody new 10/02/12
#119 Consider how strict to be in verifying URNs Clients task somebody new 10/03/12
#125 Allow some parts of the UI to be accessible without a password WebUI task somebody new 10/10/12
#126 new_user.cgi is confusing to users who already have GENI-created gmoc-db contact entries WebUI task somebody new 10/15/12
#127 add GEC14 measurements to gmoc.py measurement client Clients task Kevin Bohan new 10/16/12
#132 loadRRD() does not support types containing multiple measurements Clients task somebody new 10/17/12
#135 GMOCMeasurement.addData() does not throw an error when invoked with bogus column names Clients task somebody new 10/17/12
#136 gmoc-db2 throws a 500 error when datapath resource measurements are submitted via the measurement API Database task somebody new 10/17/12
#138 NetworkStats measurement type should be valid for ResourceMapping, Resource, or Interface objects Clients task somebody new 10/18/12
#142 validate that arguments to addData are numeric Clients task somebody new 10/25/12
#144 document how to view and obtain data from gmoc-db WebUI task somebody new 12/11/12
#146 Relationship between aggregates and resources breaks if name of aggregate changes Clients task mrmccrac@grnoc.iu.edu new 01/16/13
#149 gmoc.py prepends a URN prefix onto invalid URNs provided by callers Clients task somebody new 01/22/13
#156 numerous HASH-named category names and descriptions on gmoc-db Database task somebody new 02/01/13
#158 gmoc.py should allow submission of resources which have no aggregate Clients task somebody new 02/05/13
#159 create a UI for the GMOC Service Desk to use in inserting POP entries into gmoc-db Clients task daldoyle@grnoc.iu.edu new 02/13/13
#161 Allow the ability to define slivers without defining the whole aggregate Infrastructure task somebody new 02/15/13
#162 gmoc.py requires resource names to be URNs, but xchange2db3 does not Database task somebody new 02/21/13
#163 gmoc.py requires interface names to be URNs, but xchange2db3 does not Clients task somebody new 02/21/13
#166 document the GENI relational object model in a canonical way Clients task somebody new 03/29/13
#167 write a sample ACL policy for the GENI relational object model Infrastructure task somebody new 04/01/13
#170 Make the "Last Contacted" time on https://gmoc-db.grnoc.iu.edu/ actually be the last time the node was updated WebUI task daldoyle@grnoc.iu.edu new 04/09/13
#173 sliver counts inconsistent between Slice summary page and Slice details page WebUI task somebody new 07/23/13
#4 Add logout functionality to the UI WebUI enhancement Kevin Bohan new 07/13/12
#2 add support for a metric which measures the durations of control calls made by an aggregate or resource Clients task somebody new 07/12/12
#74 Organization's toXML() should print url Clients task somebody new 09/03/12
#78 Resource's type should be from a list of enumerated types Clients task somebody new 09/03/12
#106 when a contact is updated and non-URN data changes, the contact entry should be modified to contain the new data Database task somebody new 10/02/12
#110 the database should handle address, geolocation, and location the same way gmoc.py and the XML schema do Database task somebody new 10/02/12
#147 gmoc.py expects GeoLocation(longitude, latitude) Clients task somebody new 01/17/13
#169 gmoc.py should syslog when interesting non-fatal things happen Clients task daldoyle@grnoc.iu.edu new 04/08/13
#155 when a newly-created aggregate submits data for the first time, the resource's aggregate field is unset in the database Database task somebody new 01/31/13

GEC15 (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#20 integrate the GlobalNOC Atlas2 software into the GMOC UI WebUI GEC15 task somebody new 07/31/12
#10 users that aren't a member of an organization get an error in the Organizations section WebUI GEC15 defect somebody new 07/31/12
#13 too many datapath measurements for slivers and resources WebUI GEC15 defect somebody new 07/31/12
#22 GMOC DB Feature Request: Assign/Change Roles in the UI WebUI GEC15 enhancement somebody new 08/22/12
#23 GMOC DB Feature Request: 3rd Contact field with multiple types Database GEC15 enhancement somebody new 08/31/12
#8 document up-to-date gmoc-db schema and supported metrics in a permanent place Infrastructure GEC15 task somebody new 07/21/12
#9 make GMOC UI answer with a geni.net URL WebUI GEC15 task somebody new 07/31/12
#16 design a common object model Clients GEC15 task Kevin Bohan assigned 07/31/12
#17 make sure the GMOC database schema and the new object model are logically consistent Clients GEC15 task somebody new 07/31/12
#12 add a Slices tab to the Slice Authority section WebUI GEC15 enhancement somebody new 07/31/12
#11 only show the Organizations section when the user has one WebUI GEC15 task somebody new 07/31/12
#21 normalize URLs to be consistent across multiple AuthN schemes WebUI GEC15 task somebody new 07/31/12

GEC16 (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#145 GMOC DB Feature Request: Notes Section WebUI GEC16 task somebody new 12/20/12

GEC17 (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#171 GMOC-DB UI Bug Report: Datapath Stats WebUI GEC17 task somebody new 04/17/13
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