Custom Query (22 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#372 Milestone S2.f completion assigned major KANSEI: S2.f Connections from Kansei and NetEye to Internet2 KANSEI
#425 Milestone S2.b completion new major CRON
#426 milestone S2.c completion new major CRON
#427 milestone S2.d completion new major CRON
#490 LEARN S2.k Recommendations for Measurement Handlers on GENI new major LEARN
#499 Milestone S2.e Completion new andyli major OKGEMS: S2.e Plan to integrate robotic nodes OKGEMS
#519 Milestone 1 completed new Vic Thomas major ATTRIB
#530 Get feedback and Revise Concept of Operations Document new major GMOC: S2.d Revised Concept of Operations document GMOC
#533 Milestone S2.e completion new Ivan Seskar major COGRADIO: S2.e Stand-alone system available to GENI users COGRADIO
#534 Milestone S2.f completion new Ivan Seskar major COGRADIO: S2.f Release design information for stand-alone system kit COGRADIO
#535 Milestone S2.g completion new Ivan Seskar major COGRADIO: S2.g Contribution to GENI outreach COGRADIO
#543 Started installation on Nodes and Base Station new Giovanni Pau major WIMXUCLA: S2.a Begin deployment of dual-mode vehicular nodes (WiFi and WiMax) WIMXUCLA
#549 Milestone S2.a completion new major WIMXUCLA: S2.a Begin deployment of dual-mode vehicular nodes (WiFi and WiMax) WIMXUCLA
#562 Install NEC OpenFlow switch in Internet2 Atlanta new major OFI2: S2.c Deploy OpenFlow switches to five POPs OFI2
#564 Install Internet2 OpenFlow switch in Washington, DC new major OFI2: S2.c Deploy OpenFlow switches to five POPs OFI2
#565 Install Internet2 OpenFlow switch in Los Angeles new major OFI2: S2.c Deploy OpenFlow switches to five POPs OFI2
#673 Move SPP node in Washington D.C. from current rack to new rack new major SPP
#675 Milestone S2.a completion new Vic Thomas major LAMP: S2.a Requirements and design doc - LAMP
#676 Milestone S2.c completion new Vic Thomas major LAMP: S2.c Updated prospectus - LAMP
#677 Milestone S2.e completion new Vic Thomas major LAMP: S2.e V1.0 of perfSONAR on ProtoGENI - LAMP
#678 Milestone S2.f completion new Vic Thomas major LAMP: S2.f V1.1 of perfSONAR on ProtoGENI - LAMP
#679 Milestone S2.g completion new Vic Thomas major LAMP: S2.g Demonstration of perfSONAR on ProtoGENI LAMP
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