{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1502 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

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Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1153 Request for 3 node linear stitched sliver results in "no edge hop" error at Utah IG STITCHING closed fixed SPIRAL6 defect major somebody 11/20/13
#1146 Access to WiMAX Developer pages GPO closed invalid SPIRAL6 task major agosain@bbn.com 11/18/13
#1103 ExoGENI ORCA demo GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1107 MU-OSU Science DMZ Demo ONTIME closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1108 iGENI-International Global Environment for Network Innovations GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1109 GENI Desktop Demonstration GEMINI closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1110 Demo Request: Applying Operating System Principles to SDN Controller Design NONE closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1111 WiMAX @ NYU-Poly - GEC18 Demo WIMXNYUPT closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1113 Demonstrate handover solutions in GENI WiMAX WIMXCLEM closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1114 GENI @ SoX - Regional Deployment GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1117 MySlice, the portal technology for the FIRE facilities GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1116 Lehigh Mobility Support for Streaming Video GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1118 Internet2 OpenFlow GEC18 Demo Request GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1120 A location based messaging system in MobilityFirst FIA GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1119 Awesome Omni Demo GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1112 Sea-Cloud Innovation Environment demo request GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1115 Measurements of OF video streaming experiments with GIMI GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1125 Mid-Atlantic Crossroads (MAX) Demo at GEC#18 MAX closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1124 Security and Performance evaluation of cloud services GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1123 A Distributed Private Social Networking Infrastructure. DSL closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1122 Demo Request at GEC18 for the project OpenBIDS. GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1133 Wimax Connectivity Demo GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1135 GEC 18 Brooklyn Poster - Title: Latent Interest Group Discovery - Authors: He, Kesidis, Miller GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1134 VNode and FLARE GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1132 InstaGENI: Demonstration of Slice Creation and Permanent File System GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1148 G-Lab ToMaTo poster and laptop GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1150 Intelligent Data Movement and Storage in GENI poster GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1151 ProtoRINA over ProtoGENI Poster GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major peter.stickney@bbn.com 10/30/13
#1149 Cisco poster at OSU-MU table GPO closed fixed SPIRAL6 task major hdempsey@bbn.com 10/27/13
#1405 SCS is ignoring link type egre STITCHING reopened SPIRAL7 critical xyang@maxgigapop.net 12/10/15
#1456 SCS mxtce daemon memory leak STITCHING accepted SPIRAL7 major xyang@maxgigapop.net 06/29/15
#1457 AL2S aggregate does not return updated expiration date for listresources command STITCHING new SPIRAL7 major luke@grnoc.iu.edu 06/03/15
#1453 AL2S and FOAM AMs are sensitive to case of RSpec type STITCHING assigned SPIRAL7 minor luke@grnoc.iu.edu 06/03/15
#1492 Update network connectivity information on SOX aggregate page GPO new SPIRAL7 major russ.clark@gatech.edu 06/02/15
#1489 Recursive copy of wiki pages. GPO new SPIRAL7 major somebody 05/21/15
#1482 Wisconsin CloudLab missing Advertisement for --available resources CLOUDLAB new SPIRAL7 major somebody 05/20/15
#1346 MAX and ION aggregates do not deletesliver even though success is returned for deletesliver STITCHING accepted SPIRAL7 major xyang@maxgigapop.net 05/19/15
#1459 Move University of Tennessee at Chattanooga InstaGENI rack to production GPO new SPIRAL7 major somebody 04/24/15
#1458 SCS does fails when some special characters are used GPO new SPIRAL7 minor somebody 04/06/15
#1421 Move Clemson OpenGENI rack to production GPO accepted SPIRAL7 major hdempsey@bbn.com 03/10/15
#1417 Move Stanford InstaGENI rack to production GPO accepted SPIRAL7 major hdempsey@bbn.com 02/18/15
#1422 Move GPO OpenGENI rack to production GPO accepted SPIRAL7 major hdempsey@bbn.com 02/18/15
#1420 Move U Chicago InstaGENI rack to production GPO accepted SPIRAL7 major hdempsey@bbn.com 02/18/15
#1419 Move CENIC InstaGENI rack to production GPO accepted SPIRAL7 major hdempsey@bbn.com 02/18/15
#1418 Move University of Kentucky InstaGENI rack to production GPO accepted SPIRAL7 major hdempsey@bbn.com 02/18/15
#1416 Move MOXI InstaGENI rack to production GPO accepted SPIRAL7 major hdempsey@bbn.com 02/18/15
#1342 Move University of Kansas InstaGENI rack to production GPO assigned SPIRAL7 major hdempsey@bbn.com 02/18/15
#1356 Deleting a failed slivers at ION does not clean up circuits that had successed STITCHING new SPIRAL7 major xyang@maxgigapop.net 02/09/15
#1357 SCS does not suggest the same VLAN tag for cross-connect hops that connect AL2S to ION STITCHING accepted SPIRAL7 major xyang@maxgigapop.net 01/20/15
#1355 SCS hang with timed out threads when a request is submitted with large number of nodes STITCHING accepted SPIRAL7 major xyang@maxgigapop.net 12/12/14
#1354 SCS checks for capacity return the same error as unknown paths. STITCHING new SPIRAL7 major xyang@maxgigapop.net 11/13/14
#1348 Handle OSCARS transient states I2AM new SPIRAL7 major xyang@maxgigapop.net 10/10/14
#1344 AL2S OESS aggregate reports exception for unsupported feature STITCHING new SPIRAL7 minor luke@grnoc.iu.edu 10/08/14
#1341 OpenGENI stitching advertisment should not use V3 URL, not supported by stitching OPENGENI new SPIRAL7 major somebody 10/03/14
#1474 App Chaining for an Advanced Manufacturing Marketplace GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1475 Virtual Computer Networks Lab GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1476 VNode & FLARE GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1477 Software Defined Exchange in the Regional Network - GEC23 SDX Demo GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1478 Transit-analytics: Tracking Transit Passengers through Wireless Monitoring GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1479 SDN-Enabled Highly Resilient and Efficient Microgrids GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1480 VTS in GENI GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1481 Network Attack Experimentation using OpenFlow-enabled GENI Testbed GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 minor peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1483 GENI-VIRO a Scalable and Resilient, Name-Space (Non-IP) Routing Protocol for Emerging Large Dynamic Networks GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1484 Paradrop GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1485 GEC23 Demo: GENI for classes and GENI for the masses GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1486 CloudLab demo at GEC23 GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1487 GEC23 RPKI Demo GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1490 SmartFIRE EU-South Korea Cooperation on Future Internet Infrastructure GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1491 Resilience of KanREN OpenFlow network to large-scale disasters GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1494 A cyber physical test bed for advanced manufacturing GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1473 Software Defined Network Exchanges (SDXs) and a Prototype Bioinformatics SDX at StarLight GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1472 SDN-based Transparent Handover Scheme in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1471 ARCCN RUNOS Controller GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1470 A WiMAX-Based Public Safety 3D Surveillance Network - Poster submission GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1468 ARCCN Self-Organized Cloud GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1467 ToMaTo on CloudLab GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1466 Distributed Iceberg detection using OpenFlow GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1465 Symbiotic Evolution of CAV Applications and Networks GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1464 The GENI Desktop Demo GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1463 GENI Cinema GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1462 GENI Science Shakedown GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1460 Prototype of a ChoiceNet Economy Plane for the Future Internet Architecture GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1495 Education Modules using GENI GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 06/18/15
#1493 A cyber physical test bed for advanced manufacturing GPO closed invalid SPIRAL7 major somebody 06/08/15
#1469 Sign CSR for VTS at UIUC GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major tmitchel@bbn.com 05/20/15
#1461 SDN-based Flow Scheduling in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks GPO closed invalid SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 05/18/15
#1455 Testing for slices and virtualized networks GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1452 GEC22 Demo: Network topology sharing in multi-domain environments GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1451 Safe Community Awareness and Alerting (SCALE2) GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1450 FIWARE, the global platform for Future Internet and Smart Cities applications GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1448 Knowledge Transfer Utilizing Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (EON) GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1446 C3STEM: Engaging Students in Collaborative STEM Education using Cloud-based Modeling and Simulation GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1440 CVST Demo - University of Toronto GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1439 Streaming Query Builder GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1437 Virtual Energy Center: Collaborative Exploration in Networked VR Environments and Application to Remotely-Guided Classroom GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1436 Viditor - Online Video Editing GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1435 Adagio GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1432 Creation of Situational Awareness for Emergency Response and Management Using Next Generation Gigabit Communication Systems GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1431 WiMax Based Public Safety 3D Surveillance Network GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
#1430 A Virtual Crisis Information Sharing and Situational Awareness Platform for Collaborative Disaster Response GPO closed fixed SPIRAL7 major peter.stickney@bbn.com 04/27/15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.