
Version 35 (modified by Tom Lehman, 12 years ago) (diff)


Evening Demo Session


Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Stata Center
32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA

The demo area is on the fourth floor. There will be signs directing you from the entrances.


Monday July 9th, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Session Leaders

Heidi Dempsey, GENI Project Office


The evening demo session gives existing GENI projects and those interested in collaborating with GENI projects a chance to share their work in a live network environment. Demonstrations run for the entire length of the session, with teams on hand to answer questions and collaborate. This page lists scheduled demonstrations categorized in broad interest groups.

Directions and Logistics

Please visit Directions and Logistics for attendee and presenter logistics information.

GENI Infrastructure and Measurement Projects

GENICloud Demonstration

Demo participants: Jessica Ann Blaine and Rick McGeer (HP Labs)

Demonstration of a persistent Cloud infrastructure over multiple sites and continents, tied to the PlanetLab Control Framework. We will demonstrate Federated access control using ABAC, and federated access control between PlanetLab and GENICloud. We will demonstrate interoperation of PlanetLab and GENICloud slices.

ExoGENI demo

Demo participants: Ilia Baldine (RENCI)

This will demonstrate the capabilities of ExoGENI testbed and its integration with other GENI components. Single- and multi-site topology embedding, OpenFlow experiments, connections to Meso-scale resources.

LEARN : interoperable measurement data exchange

Demo participants: Dr. Deniz Gurkan (University of Houston)

LEARN project integrated the Texas regional optical network resources with the ORCA cluster. A mini cluster at University of Houston has been deployed. A plan for a demo experiment has been presented during GEC13. During GEC14, LEARN project will demonstrate an interoperable measurement data exchange experiment that utilizes IF-MAP (interface for metadata access point) as a standard. MDOD schema will be used to publish measurements while a large data transfer is taking place on a layer 2 link on GENI infrastructure. An operator client will be making changes on the schema while a researcher client will receive updates on interested measurement data.

Poster of the demo is attached here.

InstaGENI Demonstration

Demo participants: Rick McGeer (HP Labs)

Demonstration of the InstaGENI rack. We will demonstrate allocation of nodes on the InstaGENI rack; allocation of OpenFlow slices on the rack; instantiation of a PlanetLab node and allocation of an IG-PL slice; and federation with GENICloud


Demo participants: Anish Arora, Mike McGrath (Ohio State University)

The KanseiGenie OSU Sensor Kits team will demonstrate the new Benchtop miniArray Kit software package for easy setup of wireless sensor networks in a classroom setting. The demo will include examples of deploying sensor experiments intended to educate student end-users about scientific principles. Finally, the demo will show the kit registering with ORCA Control Framework actors running in the cloud for federated experimentation.

Poster: PDF

IMF demo

Demo participants: Rudra Dutta, Can Babaoglu, Ashu Grewal (North Carolina State University)

The IMF project goals of the current spiral include showing integration of the OMF-style RC for the optical substrate functionality set. The demo will show current IMF capabilities, which include authentication (of user/entity using message service, and message sent by that user) and authorization (of the user to send the message), and also to show an experiment controller and resource controller modeled after the corresponding OMF entities using this service to communicate, with a focus on the above.

OnTimeMeasure Demo

Demo participants: Prasad Calyam (Ohio Supercomputer Center)

We will demonstrate OnTimeMeasure performance measurements of GENI backbone and access networks from the context of a Virtual Desktop Cloud GENI experiment featuring non-IP and OpenFlow related traffic.


Demo participants: Beth Plale, Chris Small, Scott Jensen, Yuan Luo, Peng Chen (Indiana University Data to Insight Center(D2I), Indiana Center for Network Translational Research and Education (InCNTRE) )

NetKarma: Geni Provenance Registry and Portal NetKarma enables Geni experimenters to capture the provenance of their experiments and then visualize it through the netKarma Portal and Geni plug-ins to the Cytoscape visualization tool. In this demo we will show capturing, uploading, and visualizing the provenance of experiments run on GUSH, the NS2 simulator, ProtoGENI, and WiMAX experiments run on Orbit.

MAX Stitching Demonstration

Demo participants: Tom Lehman(University of Southern California - Information Sciences Institute Arlington (USC/ISI-Arl)), Xi Yang, Abdella Battou, Balu Pillai (Mid-Atlantic Crossroads GigaPOP, University of Maryland, College Park), Seung-Jong Park, Chui-Hui Chiu (Louisiana State University (LSU))

In this demonstration we will show multi-aggregate stitching between the MAX and CRON Aggregates. This will include the provision of resources across the MAX Aggregate, CRON Aggregate, Internet2 ION, and LONI Regional network. Use of the MAX and ION Aggregate Managers which are now compatible with the GENIv3 RSpec formats will be demonstrated. This functionality will be described in the context of the larger multi-aggregate stitching architecture and implementation work underway. The OMNI Client will be used to coordinate Sliver creation across multiple aggregates as part of multi-aggregate slice stitching. Demonstration will include the cases where the Dynamic Circuit Network (DCN) networks in between the GENI Aggregates all have a GENI Aggregate Manager "covering" them, and the case where some (or all) of the DCN networks do not have a GENI AM API. Additional information is available here MAX GEC14 Demonstration Information

GMOC Monitoring

Demo participants: Kevin Bohan (GMOC)

GMOC and GPO will demo performance and operational status monitoring of meso-scale and GENI Racks infrastructure. This will include an enhanced user interface to the GMOC portal, focusing on views experimenters and infrastructure providers can use to view the state of GENI.

GENI ShadowNet at GEC 14

Demo participants:James Griffioen, Zongming Fei, and Hussamuddin Nasir (University of Kentucky, Laboratory for Advanced Networking)

We will demonstrate the integration of the ShadowNet virtualization control software with INSTOOLS. We plan to demonstrate the new Portal developed.

Federation and International Projects

GpENI demo

Demo participants: James P.G. Sterbenz (The University of Kansas)

Demonstration of GpENI (Great Plains Environment for Network Innovation) programmable testbed for future Internet research. GpENI is an international testbed centered on a Midwest US regional optical network that is programmable at all layers of the protocol stack, using PlanetLab, VINI, and DCN, and interconnected to ProtoGENI in the US as well as G-Lab, NorNet, and ResumeNet in Europe. We will demonstrate the topology, functionality, and operations of GpENI as well as the Openflow infrastructure being deployed in KanREN.

Secure and Resilient Virtual Trust Routing Framework for Future Internet

Demo participants: Shingo Ata, Deep Medhi, Dijiang Huang, Akira Wada, Tianyi Xing, Xuan Liu, Parikshit (Osaka City University, Arizona State University and University of Missouri)

Demonstration of Secure and Resilient Virtual Trust Routing (SeRViTR) infrastructure between three geographically distributed sites: SeRViTR is a secure and resilient routing network architecture in which services with differences in trustability, guarantees and priorities can co-exist in a virtualized environment. We will demonstrate the resilient virtual trust routing in a single domain constructed between three universities, and the effect of policy management on the virtual routing in the domain.


Demo participants:Myung Ki Shin (ETRI), Dong-Kyun Kim (KISTI), Ki-Hyuk Nam (ETRI)

KISTI will introduce the updated technologies and features of programmable & high performance K-GENI international testbed dedicated for Future Internet researches/experiments, demonstrating federated meta operations on the testbed. Federated meta operations demo will highlight the prototype of user-oriented virtual network operations based on international GMOC-DvNOC federation. In addition, ETRI will have poster and slide presentation of our new OpenRack project, which allows interconnection of VMs (virtual machines) in a centralized, programmable manner using OpenFlow/SDN, OpenvSwitch, and OpenStack technologies.

Dynamic cloud infrastructure using Trema and OpenStack

Demo participants: Hideyuki Shimonishi (Trema team, NEC Corp)

This demonstration shows one of the open source implementations of "GENI Rack" which consists of OpenFlow controller based on Trema and OpenStack. Multiple tenants, each one of them consists of VMs, virtual network slices, and arbitral configuration between them, are dynamically configured and instantiated through GUI.

iGENI-Slice Around The World - Phase 1

Demo participants: Jim Chen,Joe Mambretti (Northwestern University)

The ‘Slice Around the World” initiative was established to demonstrate the powerful potential of designing and implementing world wide environments consisting of Global computational clouds closely integrated with highly programmable networks. The initiative has been established by network research centers/research labs that are participating in multiple next generation networking activities, including those developing large scale distributed experimental network research environment, such as those be implemented by such initiatives as the NSF Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI), the EU Future Internet Research Environment (FIRE), the Japanese New Generation Internet, the Korean Future Internet initiatives, the German Future Internet Lab (G-Lab), and others. These environments are being developed by researchers for researchers. An important goal for many of the current projects would be to have persistent global environments directly developed and managed by the research community to support their experimental research. This demonstration will show: (1) phase 1 connected sites around the world (2) example nano-science simulation/visualization with distributed sites over this persistent global environments.

Experiments and Education

PrimoGENI demo

Demo participants:

Internet2 Demo

Demo participants: Matt Zekauskas, Eric Boyd (Internet2)

Internet2 will demo progress toward implementing GENI interfaces on its Advanced Layer2 Service production network, and discuss updates to it's Advanced Layer2 Service and GENI.

VNode Demo

Demo participants: Aki Nakao (University of Tokyo)

Wireless Projects

Multi-Site Experimentation with GENI WiMAX

Demo participants: Fraida Fund and Thanasis Korakis (Polytechnic Institute of NYU)

We will demonstrate a multi-site wireless experiment running across the Internet2 backbone connecting the GENI WiMAX testbeds at NYU-Poly and at WINLAB.

Running Opportunistic Mobile Wireless Network Experiments on ORBIT

Demo participants: Jiang Li (Howard University)

The demo will show how pigeon network (an opportunistic mobile wireless network) experiments run on the ORBIT testbed. The experiment demonstrated will involve both stationary and mobile nodes communicating over wireless networks. During the experiment, a web-based animation will show the dynamic locations of the nodes and a text console will show network activities between the nodes.

Demonstration of a WiMAX-Optical hybrid network with dynamic switching.

Demo participants: Cathy Chen (Columbia University)

Performance Analysis of DDoS Detection Methods on GENI

Demo participants: Prof. Richard R Brooks, Ilker Ozcelik (Clemson University)

The GENI network infrastructure enables security research that has not been possible before due to potential disruption to production networks. This project includes a number of security and privacy experiments that include: WiMAX DDoS analysis with analysis of variance finding vulnerable control parameter settings;Privacy/Anonymity side-channel Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) will be inferred to break anonymity systems;DDoS traffic measurement to map attack severity vs. network topology; Side-channel vulnerability removal protocol tested at scale;DDoS countermeasure testing to neutralize DDoS attacks;

Clemson WiMAX BW Contention Resolution and DDoS demo

Demo participants: Prof. Richard R Brooks, Katherine Cameron (Clemson University)

WiMAX is a growing 4G protocol. Simulations have shown that WiMAX system throughput is sensitive to bandwidth contention parameters. ANOVA analysis of simulated DDoS attacks suggest that two parameters account for over 80% of the variance in system throughput. Using Rutgers University's ORBIT testbeds we are now examining the cross layer affects of these parameters on physical WiMAX systems. This work intends to verify software simulations and to test the fidelity of the ns-2 simulation for wireless systems. Our demo will follow up from GEC13 demo, demonstrating work to date of replicating these results with hardware-in-the-loop, including a summary of our analysis of the indoor and outdoor WiMAX networks that are part of ORBIT and progress since GEC13. A poster and video demonstration were used to present an update of our research and insight to how our experiments our conducted. Please find these two documents attached below.

Global Name Resolution Service: Scalable Mobility Support in MobilityFirst FIA

Demo Participants: Feixiong Zhang, Tam Vu, Akash Baid, Yanyong Zhang, Thu D. Nguyen, Kiran Nagaraja, Ivan Seskar, Dipankar Raychaudhuri

Affiliation: WINLAB, Rutgers University

Poster: PDF

MobilityFirst FIA proposes a distributed, in-network service to track and resolve the location (i.e. topological address) of named network objects under a host of demanding mobility situations. We show in this demonstration the workings of the GNRS service and the performance of sample applications under host and network mobility scenarios, which we orchestrate using both real and emulated mobility on the GENI Mesoscale deployment. More information on MobilityFirst FIA project can be found here:

WiRover/WiMAX demo

Demo participants:Derek Meyer and Suman Banerjee (Wisconsin Wireless and NetworkinG Systems (WiNGS) laboratory, Cisco Systems)

Affiliation: WiNGS Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Poster: Available here.

Wide area mobility demo featuring multi-WAN bandwidth aggregation.

Security and Socially Aware Projects


Demo participants: Ted Faber, Prateek Jaipuria (ISI)

Demonstration of high level ABAC policy tools that enable system managers, resource owners, and other stakeholders to define and understand GENI

Socially Aware Single System Image

Demo participants: Lokesh Mandvekar (SUNY Buffalo)

Occupying GENI with Social Packets

Demo participants: Felix Wu (University of California, Davis)

One of the critical tasks in performing research experiments is to control and re-produce the background and interaction activities in the real world. In this experiment/demonstration, we will introduce a new abstraction for this purpose, called "social packets". Each social packet captured the interactions among a group of social media users on a particular subject within a particular user community. And, users participated over time on many of such related social packets. For instance, some of the packets we have been collecting are from the occupy movement since last year. And, we will show how these social packets are all about (what do they really mean) and how they can be replayed on GENI.

Hive Mind Demo

Demo participants: Sean Peisert,Wenjie Zeng (University of California, Davis)

We will be demonstrating simulations of our of Hive Mind system with regard to a variety of security scenarios. We will also be demonstrating a basic command & control interface for operating and monitoring the Hive Mind software.

Attachments (11)