Custom Query (25 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#88 bbn-iscsi has an orange light on one of its disks new somebody critical Administration
#9 Sliver with 6 nodes is created, but only 2 show up in sliver listresources (manifest) reopened somebody major AM
#60 Nodes that are part of expired slices can be accessed when sliver is expired. new somebody major AM
#87 User credentials incorrectly sufficient for local sliver creator assigned major AM
#89 User with valid slice credential cannot delete slivers created by another user an on the same slice. new somebody major AM
#91 exogeni dataplane switch configs are not being polled by subversion new major Administration
#92 exogeni dataplane switch configs lack important metadata new major Administration
#106 references to incorrect/missing paths new somebody major AM
#110 SSH Keys: The keys of only one user are installed in the nodes new somebody major AM
#116 Allow Flack: Install Flash Socket Security Policy Server new somebody major AM
#37 RSpecs: ExoSM Ad includes proper stitching extension assigned minor AM
#38 RSpecs: Rack Ads include external references assigned minor AM
#39 RSpecs: ExoSM Ad includes external references assigned minor AM
#41 RSpecs: Add component_manager and property to link Ads assigned minor AM
#66 Ad Rspec: stitching extension: Add more info? new somebody minor AM
#72 RSpecs: preserve shared-vlan info in manifest assigned minor AM
#74 Ad Rspec: vlan range of length 1 new somebody minor AM
#76 Ad RSpec: No shared_vlan extension? new somebody minor AM
#77 Ad RSpec: stitching: empty switchingCapabilitySpecificInfo new somebody minor AM
#80 RSpecs: Manifests: Include more info new somebody minor AM
#118 Improve error message when SM does not have the requested resources new somebody minor AM
#119 Improve error message when deleting a sliver that doesn't exist new somebody minor AM
#120 Improve error message when a rack is down new somebody minor AM
#121 Improve error message when requesting resources from wrong SM new somebody minor AM
#64 Ad Rspec: Nodes with duplicate hardware_type new somebody trivial AM
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