Custom Query (6 matches)


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Status: closed (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Component Version Resolution
#54 Unable to create a sliver with Bare metal node major Experiment SPIRAL4 fixed
#86 ExoGENI does not support slice delegation major Experiment SPIRAL4 fixed
#31 Creating sliver with 1 VM at BBN and 1 VM at RENCI results in Error:Exception encountered somebody major Experiment SPIRAL4 fixed
#73 creating a sliver with one vm at BBN and one vm at RENCI fails with "No Edge Domain Exist" error somebody major Experiment SPIRAL4 invalid
#47 Creating a sliver with 2 BBN VMs and 2 RCI VMs results in 4 hosts at BBN Rack somebody major Experiment SPIRAL4 fixed
#67 bare metal fails to boot for EG-EXP-4 experiment 2 somebody major Experiment SPIRAL4 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.