Custom Query (8 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Version
#136 gmoc-db2 throws a 500 error when datapath resource measurements are submitted via the measurement API new somebody major GEC15 demo
#23 GMOC DB Feature Request: 3rd Contact field with multiple types new somebody major GEC15
#162 requires resource names to be URNs, but xchange2db3 does not new somebody major
#156 numerous HASH-named category names and descriptions on gmoc-db new somebody major
#115 revisit storage of slice->creator as a principal type object new somebody major
#110 the database should handle address, geolocation, and location the same way and the XML schema do new somebody minor
#106 when a contact is updated and non-URN data changes, the contact entry should be modified to contain the new data new somebody minor
#155 when a newly-created aggregate submits data for the first time, the resource's aggregate field is unset in the database new somebody trivial
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