Custom Query (21 matches)


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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Component Version Resolution
#123 Authentication for submission of time series data fails somebody major Clients fixed
#129 when tries to submit data, it should store the response it gets in a variable somebody major Clients fixed
#131 typo in FOAMSliverCount() metric somebody major Clients fixed
#134 legacy flowvisor_state metric is missing from somebody major Clients wontfix
#140 client throws attribute error when reporting measurements for a FOAM aggregate somebody major Clients fixed
#139 500 internal server error on submission of measurement data to gmoc-db (but not to gmoc-db2) somebody major Database fixed
#141 gmoc-db2 throws a 500 error when aggregate resource measurements are submitted from client v.1.1.4 somebody major Database duplicate
#128 make sure SNAPP partition doesn't fill before GEC15 major Infrastructure fixed
#100 POP and organization should be consistent about whether the web UI displays a short name somebody major WebUI fixed
#107 short name for slice authority in UI should be treated consistently somebody major WebUI fixed
#116 slice details tab should show more slice information somebody major WebUI fixed
#130 aggregate measurements link to bogus graphs critical WebUI fixed
#137 orca vmserver resources reported for aggregate don't have "aggregate" set in web UI somebody major WebUI fixed

Status: new (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Component Version Resolution
#127 add GEC14 measurements to measurement client Kevin Bohan major Clients
#132 loadRRD() does not support types containing multiple measurements somebody major Clients
#133 no method is provided for storing sliver measurements somebody critical Clients
#135 GMOCMeasurement.addData() does not throw an error when invoked with bogus column names somebody major Clients
#138 NetworkStats measurement type should be valid for ResourceMapping, Resource, or Interface objects somebody major Clients
#142 validate that arguments to addData are numeric somebody major Clients
#136 gmoc-db2 throws a 500 error when datapath resource measurements are submitted via the measurement API somebody major Database
#12 add a Slices tab to the Slice Authority section somebody minor WebUI GEC15
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.