

15:41 Ticket #20 (Provide navigation from GENI CH Portal to iRODS GUI User Interface) created by johren@bbn.com
Need to determine if it is feasible to pass along context such as …
15:39 Ticket #19 (Provide interface to iRODS to allow User who is authenticated to GENI ...) created by johren@bbn.com
Work with Tom/Aaron? to define API; GENI CH Portal acts as a GENI user; …
15:38 Ticket #18 (Add rules to process incoming descriptors in xml files, and store info ...) created by johren@bbn.com
Need example metadata.xml files, including key values; start with v1.1 …
14:53 Ticket #17 (Upgrade OMF to 5.4.2) created by johren@bbn.com
Christoph pushed a change for creating XMPP nodes in 5.4 (see …
13:59 Ticket #16 (Implement REST API for experiment registry) created by johren@bbn.com
After designing the REST API, we need to implement the full API. This …
13:56 Ticket #15 (Define experiment registry REST API) created by johren@bbn.com
The REST API including required resources, JSON responses, and …
13:52 Ticket #14 (Install the omf_sfa code on emmy9 for initial prototyping) created by johren@bbn.com
The omf sfa provides a reference implementation of a data model and …
13:40 Ticket #13 (Push necessary configuration to the experiment registry from the init ...) created by johren@bbn.com
The init script should push the following data it has obtained to the …
13:36 Ticket #12 (Push sliver manifest rspecs to iRODS experiment location) created by johren@bbn.com
The sliver manifest rspecs should be pushed to the iRODS experiment …
13:34 Ticket #11 (Load template OMF scripts in iRODS) created by johren@bbn.com
Prepopulate the experimenter's home directory with template OMF …
13:30 Ticket #10 (Initialize the iRODS experiment directory) created by johren@bbn.com
When an experiment is created with the initialize script, create the …
11:31 Ticket #9 (Get iticket from iRODS for the experiment) created by johren@bbn.com
An iticket will be obtained from iRODS for a given experiment to …
11:23 Ticket #8 (Get sliver manifest rspecs from the AMs for a given slice ID) created by johren@bbn.com
For the selected slice ID, the init script will retrieve the manifest …


13:07 Ticket #7 (Add slice selection to the init script) created by johren@bbn.com
The init script must obtain a list of slices for the experimenter and …
13:04 Ticket #6 (Create installation procedure for initialization script) created by johren@bbn.com
We must design and document how the init script will be installed in …
13:02 Ticket #5 (Configure iRODS access in the init script with iinit) created by johren@bbn.com
The experimenter's iRODS context must be established. The irodsEnv …
12:58 Ticket #4 (Create initialization script for GIMI to run on the EME) created by johren@bbn.com
An initialization script will be run by the experimenter within their …


12:49 Ticket #2 (tutorial_viz fails processing R script) closed by johren@bbn.com
wontfix: No longer using tutorial_viz. Cleaning up old tickets as we revive …
12:48 Ticket #3 (oml2-server-hook.sh attached to tutorial instructions will not work ...) closed by johren@bbn.com
wontfix: No longer an issue. Cleaning up old tickets as we revive the ticket …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.