{17} All GEC20 Tickets (21 matches)

List all GEC20 tickets, group by version, ordered by id.

Backlog (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Milestone Type Created Status
#52 Push initial project and experiment metadata and configuration data to experiment's subcollection divyashri.bhat@gmail.com ExperimentRegistry GEC20 task 09/13/13 new
#54 Push metadata file to iRODS location when measurement data is pushed jack.hong@nicta.com.au iRODS GEC20 task 09/13/13 new
#59 We need a way to pass manifest information to Labwiki jack.hong@nicta.com.au Labwiki GEC20 task 10/10/13 new
#66 Allow multiple dumps per experiment run jack.hong@nicta.com.au Labwiki GEC20 enhancement 10/26/13 closed
#71 Update iRODS descriptor parsing to version 1.3 of the schema adetorcy@email.unc.edu iRODS GEC20 task 01/21/14 new

Sprint1 (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Milestone Type Created Status
#61 Move GIMI Labwiki instance to OMF6 divyashri.bhat@gmail.com Labwiki GEC20 task 10/15/13 closed
#81 OML server crashes while running experiments somebody OML GEC20 task 02/28/14 closed
#82 Labwiki FiberError crashes jack.hong@nicta.com.au Labwiki GEC20 task 04/01/14 closed

Sprint3 (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Milestone Type Created Status
#78 Install separate OML server and GES instances for development. somebody OML GEC20 task 02/04/14 closed

Sprint4 (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Milestone Type Created Status
#67 Labwiki should not allow spaces in experiment name or context name johren@bbn.com Labwiki GEC20 task 10/26/13 assigned
#70 Add link to iRODS dump location in Labwiki johren@bbn.com Labwiki GEC20 task 01/09/14 new
#72 Transition Fraida's group to iRODS stable server (geni-gimi:1247) ffund@nyu.edu iRODS GEC20 task 02/04/14 closed
#77 Move development instances to separate server somebody Other GEC20 task 02/04/14 closed
#84 Job service stalls divyashri.bhat@gmail.com Job Service GEC20 task 04/11/14 closed
#85 Make clean-up of job service easier if something goes wrong jack.hong@nicta.com.au Job Service GEC20 task 04/11/14 closed
#86 New requirements for iRODS and git repositories jack.hong@nicta.com.au Labwiki GEC20 task 04/29/14 closed
#87 Simplifying the post-configuration of RC on fresh GENI rack resource Thierry.Rakotoarivelo@nicta.com.au OMF GEC20 task 04/29/14 new
#88 LabWiki crash: with bad file descriptor message jack.hong@nicta.com.au Labwiki GEC20 task 05/02/14 closed

WrapUp (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Milestone Type Created Status
#90 404 error if GENI Portal user is not activated johren@bbn.com Labwiki GEC20 task 05/19/14 closed
#91 fields in Execute pane are ignored jack.hong@nicta.com.au Labwiki GEC20 defect 05/30/14 closed
#94 project directory missing from irodsPath when dumping the experiment jack.hong@nicta.com.au Labwiki GEC20 defect 05/30/14 closed
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