
OG-EXP-5: OpenGENI Network Resources Acceptance Test

This page captures status for the test case OG-EXP-5. For additional information see the Acceptance Test Status - May 2013 page overall status, or the OpenGENI Acceptance Test Plan for details about the planned evaluation.

Last Update: 2013/05/XX"

Step State Notes Tickets
Step 1 Pass#72
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Step 15
Step 16
Step 17
Step 18
Step 19
Step 20
Step 21
Step 21
Step 22
Step 23
Step 24
Step 25
Step 26
Step 27
Step 28
Step 29

State Legend Description
Pass Test completed and met all criteria
Pass: most criteria Test completed and met most criteria. Exceptions documented
Fail Test completed and failed to meet criteria.
Complete Test completed but will require re-execution due to expected changes
Blocked Blocked by ticketed issue(s).
In Progress Currently under test.

Test Plan Steps

This test case uses the following aggregate nick_names:


Evaluation Notes: OG-EXP-5 requires OpenFlow connections via the OpenGENI OpenFlow Aggregate. The rack aggregate is used to connect some local (non-rack) campus resources and remote meso-scale resources via the rack's OpenFlow switch. Neither type of connection is possible at this time, test case cannot be executed. Ticket # 72

Step 1. As Experimenter1, Determine BBN compute resources and define RSpec.

Unable to define local campus resources RSpec, it is not possible to connect local campus resources to a OpenGENI Rack at this time.

Note Since it is not possible to connect neither local campus resources nor remote Meso-scale resources, test case cannot be executed.

Step 2. Determine remote meso-scale compute resources and define RSpec.

(Modified for one aggregate and no meso-scale)

Step 3. Define a request RSpec for OpenFlow network resources at the BBN OpenGENI AM.

Step 4. Define a request RSpec for OpenFlow network resources at the remote I2 Meso-scale site.

(Rack nodes will replace remote meso-scale.)

Step 5. Define a request RSpec for the OpenFlow Core resources

Step 6. Create the first slice

Step 7. Create a sliver for the BBN compute resources.

Step 8. Create a sliver at the I2 meso-scale site using VMOC at site. == (Modified for one aggregate and no meso-scale)

Step 9. Create a sliver at of the BBN OpenGENI AM.

Step 10. Create a sliver for the OpenFlow resources in the core. == (Modified for one aggregate and no meso-scale)

Step 11. Create a sliver for the meso-scale compute resources. == (Modified for one aggregate and no meso-scale)

Step 11. Log in to each of the compute resources and send traffic to the other end-point.

Step 12. Verify that traffic is delivered to target.

Step 13. Review baseline, GMOC, and meso-scale monitoring statistics.

(Not possible in current version.)

Step 14. As Experimenter2, determine BBN compute resources and define RSpec.

Step 15. Determine remote meso-scale compute resources and define RSpec.

Step 16. Define a request RSpec for OpenFlow network resources at the BBN OpenGENI AM.

Step 17. Define a request RSpec for OpenFlow network resources at the remote NLR Meso-scale site.

(Rack nodes will replace remote meso-scale.)

Step 18. Define a request RSpec for the OpenFlow Core resources

(No core resources will be used in initial evaluation)

Step 19. Create the second slice

Step 20. Create a sliver for the BBN compute resources.

Step 21. Create a sliver at the meso-scale site using FOAM at site.

Step 22. Create a sliver at of the BBN OpenGENI AM.

Step 23. Create a sliver for the OpenFlow resources in the core.

Step 24. Create a sliver for the meso-scale compute resources.

Step 25. Log in to each of the compute resources and send traffic to the other endpoint.

Step 26. As Experimenter2, insert flowmods and send packet-outs only for traffic assigned to the slivers.

Step 27. Verify that traffic is delivered to target according to the flowmods settings.

Step 28. Review baseline, GMOC, and monitoring statistics.

(Not possible in current version.)

Step 29. Stop traffic and delete slivers.

Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on 05/23/14 14:10:10