
ExoGENI Acceptance Test Status

This page captures test status as the ExoGENI Acceptance Test Plan is executed.

The following matrix captures the state for each of the tests cases. For overall project details see the ExoGENI Project page.

Test State Date Completed Tickets Notes Tester
EG-ADM-1 Color(yellow,Complete)? 2013-02-19 EG-ADM-1 Step 5B needs to be re-tested with hybrid mode JBS
EG-ADM-2 Color(orange,Blocked)? EG-ADM-2 blocked on proposed rack control network design work CG
EG-MON-1 Color(green,Pass)? 2013-02-13 EG-MON-1 JBS
EG-MON-2 Color(green,Pass)? 2012-08-14 EG-MON-2 JBS
EG-MON-3 Color(#98FB98,Pass: most criteria)? 2013-05-03 EG-MON-3 The ability to get information about terminated VMs was asserted but not tested. JBS
EG-EXP-1 Color(yellow,Complete)? 2013-03-11 EG-EXP-1 MS Windows not available bare metal or VM LN
EG-EXP-2 Color(yellow,Complete)? 2013-03-11 EG-EXP-2 Bare Metal CentOS available, No custom OS image available LN
EG-EXP-3 Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? EG-EXP-3 Current Rack Configuration has 50 local BBN SM plus 50 ExoSM LN
EG-EXP-4 Color(yellow,Complete)? 2013-03-11 EG-EXP-4 No monitoring for VM or bare metal LN
EG-EXP-5 Color(green,Pass)? 2013-01-23 EG-EXP-5 LN
EG-EXP-6 Color(green,Pass)? 2013-01-25 EG-EXP-6 LN
EG-ADM-3 Color(#98FB98,Pass: most criteria)? 2012-08-30 EG-ADM-3 Rack reboot was successful using GPO custom procedure; ExoGENI shutdown/boot procedure not documented JBS
EG-ADM-4 Color(green,Pass)? 2013-03-07 EG-ADM-4 TU
EG-ADM-5 No longer planned EG-ADM-5 ExoGENI team will be responsible for all rack components upgrades --
EG-ADM-6 Color(green,Pass)? 2012-08-29 EG-ADM-6 CG
EG-ADM-7 Color(orange,Blocked)? EG-ADM-7 exoticket:144 exoticket:145 exoticket:146 exoticket:147 exoticket:148 LN
EG-MON-4 Color(green,Pass)? 2013-01-31 EG-MON-4 LN
EG-MON-5 Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? EG-MON-5 CG

State Legend Description
Color(green,Pass)? Test completed and met all criteria
Color(#98FB98,Pass: most criteria)? Test completed and met most criteria. Exceptions documented
Color(red,Fail)? Test completed and failed to meet criteria.
Color(yellow,Complete)? Test completed but will require re-execution due to expected changes
Color(orange,Blocked)? Blocked by ticketed issue(s).
Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? Currently under test.
Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on 05/03/13 17:17:56