
EG-EXP-3: ExoGENI Single Site 100 VM Test

This page captures status for the test case EG-EXP-3, which verifies the ability to support 100 VM in one ExoGENI rack. For overall status see the ExoGENI Acceptance Test Status page. Last update: 12/06/12

Due to the rack configuration a set of scenarios are being tested to capture scaling to 100 VMs, the following table captures scenario tested:

Test Scenario Results Notes
Test 1: 10 slivers with 10 VMs eachColor(#63B8FF,In Progress)? 89VMs ok, 11 VMs failed, exoticket:134
Test 2: 4 slivers w/20VMS +2 slivers w/10 VMsColor(#63B8FF,In Progress)? 88VMs ok, 12 VMs failed, exoticket:134
Test 3: 20 slivers with 5 VMs each Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? 90VMs ok, 10 VMs failed, exoticket:134
Test 4: 100 Sliver with 1 VM Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? 41 VMs ok, BBN SM failed, exoticket:135
Test 5: 2 slivers with 50 VMs each Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? Allowed with current rack configuration, but untested

Test Status

This section captures the status for each step in the acceptance test plan.

Step State Tickets Comments
Step 1 Color(yellow,Complete)? Rack 50/50 resource allocation forces use of ExoSM and BBN SM
Step 2 Color(yellow,Complete)?
Step 3 Color(yellow,Complete)?
Step 4 Color(yellow,Complete)?
Step 5 Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? Step modified to cover 2 slivers with 50 VMs each
Step 6 Color(yellow,Complete)?
Step 7 Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? Not executed in initial test runs
Step 8 Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? Not executed in initial test runs
Step 9 Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? Not executed in initial test runs
Step 10 Color(yellow,Complete)?
Step 11 Color(yellow,Complete)?
Step 12 Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? Not executed in initial test runs
Step 13 Color(yellow,Complete)?
Step 14 Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? exoticket:134
Step 15 Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? exoticket:134
Step 16 Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? exoticket:134
Step 17 Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? exoticket:135
Step 18

State Legend Description
Color(green,Pass)? Test completed and met all criteria
Color(#98FB98,Pass: most criteria)? Test completed and met most criteria. Exceptions documented
Color(red,Fail)? Test completed and failed to meet criteria.
Color(yellow,Complete)? Test completed but will require re-execution due to expected changes
Color(orange,Blocked)? Blocked by ticketed issue(s).
Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? Currently under test.

Test Plan Steps

The Omni configuration file used in this test case includes the following nick_names for ExoGENI Aggregates:


Testing uses <sliver_type name="m1.small"/> for the resource requests, which generates a 1 core VM with 128 MBytes of RAM and 3 GBytes of disk space. For a full list of available resource types and associated cores, RAM and Disk space allocation see the following resource type table at the ExoGENI wiki site.

Step 1. Request ListResources from BBN ExoGENI.

The following command is executed to collect resource from the BBN ExoGENI rack:

$ -a eg-bbn listresources -o

The rack resource allocation is 50% of resources for the local rack SM and 50% for the ExoSM, therefore one must collect listresources on both to get the complete list of resources available within an ExoGENI Rack.

$ -a eg-sm listresources -o

Note: Some of the tests completed on this page were executed on the RENCI ExoGENI rack.

Step 2. Review ListResources output, and identify available resources.

The ExoGENI RSpec provides an indication of the potentially available VMs in the "type_slots" element and for the . The listresources output file generated from previous step for the ExoSM named rspec-geni-renci-org-11443-orca.xml shows:

<node component_id="" component_manager_id="" component_name="orca-vm-cloud" exclusive="false">
            <hardware_type name="orca-vm-cloud">
                  <ns3:node_type type_slots="54"/>
            <available now="true"/>

The listresources output file for the BBN SM named rspec-bbn-hn-exogeni-net-11443-orca.xml shows:

      <node component_id="" component_manager_id="" component_name="orca-vm-cloud" exclusive="false">
            <hardware_type name="orca-vm-cloud">
                  <ns3:node_type type_slots="48"/>
            <available now="true"/>

Step 3. Write a RSpec that requests 100 VMs evenly distributed across the worker nodes using the default image.

This step cannot be executed for 100 VM in one sliver due to the current rack resource allocation, which allocates 50% of the resources to the local aggregate manager (BBN SM) and 50% of the resources to the global aggregate manager (ExoSM). The test case step was modified to create RSpecs which are used at each local and global aggregate manager.

Step 4. Create a slice.

The slice is created as follows:

$ createslice EG-EXP-3

Step 5. Create a sliver in the slice, using the RSpec defined in step 3.

This step cannot be executed for 100 VM in one sliver, due to the resource allocation which is 50/50 between the local BBN SM and the global ExoSM. Based on the allocation, the test case description was modified to create two slivers, where each has 50 VMs in the BBN Rack, with one request to the BBN SM and one request to the ExoSM.

NOTE: Rspecs with 50 VMs have not yes been tested, but other scenarios have been tested and are covered in this page.

To set up a sliver in the BBN rack that is created via the ExoSM, this type of command is used:

$ -a eg-sm createsliver EG-EXP-3 EG-EXP-3.rspec

To set up a sliver in the BBN rack that is created via the BBN SM:

$ -a eg-gpo createsliver EG-EXP-3 EG-EXP-3.rspec

Note: The same sliver name and Rspec can be used concurrently via BBN Sm and ExoSM, and that is the approach used in all tests described in this page.

Step 6. Log into several of the VMs, and send traffic to several other systems.

Was able to login to some nodes after the slivers were ready.

Step 7. Step up traffic rates to verify VMs continue to operate with realistic traffic loads.

Step 8. Review system statistics and VM isolation (does not include network isolation)

Step 9. Review monitoring statistics and check for resource status for CPU, disk, memory utilization, interface counters, uptime, process counts, and active user counts.

Step 10. Verify that several VMs running on the same worker node have a distinct MAC address for their interface.

Allocated VMs have unique MAC addresses.

Step 11. Verify for several VMs running on the same worker node, that their MAC addresses are learned on the data plane switch.

The successful exchange of traffic on the dataplane interface shows that are learned on data plane switch.

Step 12. Review monitoring statistics and check for resource status for CPU, disk, memory utilization, interface counters, uptime, process counts, and active user counts.

This step is replaced by iperf for ExoGENI test cases. Not yet completed during scalability tests.

Step 13. Stop traffic and delete sliver.

Slivers are deleted as follows throughout testing:

$ deletesliver -a eg-sm EG-EXP-3
$ deletesliver -a eg-bbn EG-EXP-3

Step 14. Re-execute procedure in steps 1-13 with changes required for Test 1: 10 slivers with 10 VMs each

This experiment was setup at the RENCI ExoGENI rack using the RSpec exo-10vm-rci.rspec for both RENCI SM and ExoSM. The following slices were created:

$ createslice ln-10vm1
$ createslice ln-10vm2
$ createslice ln-10vm3
$ createslice ln-10vm4
$ createslice ln-10vm5
$ createslice ln-10vm6
$ createslice ln-10vm7
$ createslice ln-10vm8
$ createslice ln-10vm9
$ createslice ln-10vm10

The following slivers were created at the RENCI SM:

$ createsliver -a eg-renci ln-10vm1 exo-10vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci ln-10vm2 exo-10vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci ln-10vm3 exo-10vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci ln-10vm4 exo-10vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci ln-10vm5 exo-10vm-rci.rspec

The following slivers were created at the ExoSM:

$ createsliver -a eg-sm ln-10vm6 exo-10vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm ln-10vm7 exo-10vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm ln-10vm8 exo-10vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm ln-10vm9 exo-10vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm ln-10vm10 exo-10vm-rci.rspec

Results: 89VMs ok, 11 VMs failed, exoticket:134

Note: In initial run no traffic was exchanged, and logins were only tried on a few nodes. Slivers were deleted upon completion.

Step 15. Re-execute procedure in steps 1-13 with changes required for Test 2: 4 slivers w/20VMS +2 slivers w/10 VMs

This experiment was setup at the RENCI ExoGENI rack using the RSpecs exo-10vm-rci.rspec and exo-20vm-rci.rspec for both RENCI SM and ExoSM. The following slices were created:

$ createslice ln20vm1
$ createslice ln20vm2
$ createslice ln10vm1

The following slivers were created at the RENCI SM:

$ createsliver -a eg-renci ln10vm1 exo-10vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci ln20vm1 exo-20vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci ln20vm2 exo-20vm-rci.rspec

The following slivers were created at the ExoSM:

$ createsliver -a eg-sm ln10vm1 exo-10vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm ln20vm1 exo-20vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm ln20vm2 exo-20vm-rci.rspec

Results: 88 VMs successfully allocated and 12 WMs failed, exoticket:134.

Note: In initial run no traffic was exchanged, and logins were only tried on a few nodes. Slivers were deleted upon completion

Step 16. Re-execute procedure in steps 1-13 with changes required for Test 3: 20 slivers with 5 VMs each

This experiment was setup at the RENCI ExoGENI rack using the RSpec exo-5vm-rci.rspec for both RENCI SM and ExoSM. The following slices were created:

$ createslice 5vmslice1
$ createslice 5vmslice2
$ createslice 5vmslice3
$ createslice 5vmslice4
$ createslice 5vmslice5
$ createslice 5vmslice6
$ createslice 5vmslice7
$ createslice 5vmslice8
$ createslice 5vmslice9
$ createslice 5vmslice10

The following slivers were created at the RENCI SM:

$ createsliver -a eg-renci 5vmslice1 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci 5vmslice2 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci 5vmslice3 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci 5vmslice4 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci 5vmslice5 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci 5vmslice6 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci 5vmslice7 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci 5vmslice8 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci 5vmslice9 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci 5vmslice10 exo-5vm-rci.rspec

The following slivers were created at the ExoSM:

$ createsliver -a eg-sm 5vmslice1 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm 5vmslice2 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm 5vmslice3 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm 5vmslice4 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm 5vmslice5 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm 5vmslice6 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm 5vmslice7 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm 5vmslice8 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm 5vmslice9 exo-5vm-rci.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm 5vmslice10 exo-5vm-rci.rspec

Results: 90 VMs successfully allocated and 10 VMs failed, exoticket:134.

Note: In initial run no traffic was exchanged, and logins were only tried on a few nodes. Slivers were deleted upon completion.

Step 17. Re-execute procedure in steps 1-13 with changes required for Test 4: 100 Sliver with 1 VM

This experiment was setup at the RENCI ExoGENI rack using the RSpec exo-1vm-bbn.rspec for both RENCI SM and ExoSM. The following 50 slices were created:

$ createslice 1vmslice1
$ createslice 1vmslice50

The following slivers were created at the RENCI SM:

$ createsliver -a eg-renci 1vmslice1 exo-1vm-bbn.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-renci 1vmslice50 exo-1vm-bbn.rspec

The following slivers were created at the ExoSM:

$ createsliver -a eg-sm 1vmslice1 exo-1vm-bbn.rspec
$ createsliver -a eg-sm 1vmslice50 exo-1vm-bbn.rspec

Results:Undetermined number of nodes allocated. Test includes 1 VLAN for each VM requested for a total of 48 VLANs. This requested exceeds the expected upper limited for vlan. With this test is trying to verify the upper limit discussed in the meeting and expected incorrectly expected that the aggregate would handle the request. exoticket:135

Note: In initial run no traffic was exchanged, and logins were only tried on a few nodes. Slivers were deleted upon completion.

Step 18. Re-execute procedure in steps 1-13 with changes required for Test 6: 2 slivers with 50 VMs each

Not yet tested!

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 12/06/12 15:08:33