Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1018 closed (fixed)

Errors running latest ION AM code

Reported by: Aaron Helsinger Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: I2AM Version: SPIRAL5
Keywords: Cc:,, Aaron Helsinger


Circuit reservations are failing at the ION AM, since the latest code has been installed.

My note:

With the latest changes, my circuit request to ION failed with less
information than before:

 "geni_resources": [],
 "geni_urn": "",
 "geni_status": "failed"

I believe this was circuit 15021.

- Is there any more to the error message we can get?
- Can the sliver status include the circuit ID?
- Do we know why this particular request failed?

I tried again with a circuit 15041
 "geni_resources": [
     "geni_error": "",
     "geni_status": "changing"
 "geni_urn": "",
 "geni_status": "failed"

At least this time I have the circuit ID. But how come the individual
resource is 'changing' and overall status is 'failed'? And why did it fail?

Chad said:

I restarted tomcat, and SFA.
I actually applied the 4.2 patch, and not patch-4. ( I did this earlier
in the day)

Should I undo the 4.2 patch and just apply the 4 patch?

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by

Cc: Aaron Helsinger added
Status: newassigned

fixed a bug in AM Java code.

Chad, Please update the code.

comment:2 in reply to:  description Changed 12 years ago by

I've updated the code, and restarted Tomcat6.


Replying to

Circuit reservations are failing at the ION AM, since the latest code has been installed.

My note:

With the latest changes, my circuit request to ION failed with less
information than before:

 "geni_resources": [],
 "geni_urn": "",
 "geni_status": "failed"

I believe this was circuit 15021.

- Is there any more to the error message we can get?
- Can the sliver status include the circuit ID?
- Do we know why this particular request failed?

I tried again with a circuit 15041
 "geni_resources": [
     "geni_error": "",
     "geni_status": "changing"
 "geni_urn": "",
 "geni_status": "failed"

At least this time I have the circuit ID. But how come the individual
resource is 'changing' and overall status is 'failed'? And why did it fail?

Chad said:

I restarted tomcat, and SFA.
I actually applied the 4.2 patch, and not patch-4. ( I did this earlier
in the day)

Should I undo the 4.2 patch and just apply the 4 patch?

comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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