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Results (85 - 87 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1096 fixed Stiching slice credentials file name prevents multiple concurrent operations Aaron Helsinger

The stitcher tool currently creates a file named /tmp/saved-stitching-slice-cred.xml while executing sliver commands. This naming causes problems when multiple stitched slivers commands are being executed by one user. Here is an example.

While deleting a stitching sliver (lndemo) and creating a second sliver (eg-gpo-ig-utah) in a second window. I noticed that the delete operation started failing because the content of the /tmp/saved-stitching-slice-cred.xml were for the second slice:

11:15:27 WARNING  stitcher: Failed to delete reservation at 
Cannot do DeleteSliver for
Could not get slice credential: Read slice cred from /tmp/saved-stitching-slice-cred.xml - BUT it is for 
slice, not expected!

Also, if two different users run stitcher commands on the same systems there are permissions problem in overwriting the file.

A more unique file naming convention is needed, which should include both the user and the slice name in the file naming.

#1099 fixed SCS puts wrong suggested tag on one ION hop Aaron Helsinger Aaron Helsinger

Submit the attached request to the SCS. I got back the attached expanded request.

The links that cross ION do something funny. The NEWY ION hop uses the same VLAN tag as at IG GPO. Good. The PG Utah hop uses a different VLAN tag. As it should, since the tag ranges do not overlap. The ATLA ION hop uses the same VLAN tag as ION NEWY, and different from PG Utah. That seems wrong.

I hadn't noticed this before, because stitcher edits the VLAN tags so is correcting for this. But it is wrong.

#1100 fixed SCS picked same tag for 2 paths through same interface Aaron Helsinger Aaron Helsinger

I had a request for 2 links from the same interface. The SCS seems to have picked the same VLAN tag for both.

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