

12:33 Ticket #22 (GMOC DB Feature Request: Assign/Change Roles in the UI) created by eurumbae@indiana.edu
GMOC Systems Engineering, Please implement a feature in the GMOC …


12:44 Ticket #6 (add CNAMEs gmoc.geni.net and gmoc-staging.geni.net to point to GMOC ...) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: Kevin added a new ticket, 9, for the GMOC configuration part …
11:47 Ticket #21 (normalize URLs to be consistent across multiple AuthN schemes) created by Kevin Bohan
Each AuthN mechanism in the GMOC DB results in a different set of URLs …
10:23 Ticket #20 (integrate the GlobalNOC Atlas2 software into the GMOC UI) created by Kevin Bohan
Figure out how to make Atlas2 work with the GMOC UI.
10:22 Ticket #19 (create a GMOC client in Python) created by Kevin Bohan
Write a GMOC client in Python to make it easier to integrate with …
10:14 Ticket #18 (create web services for querying GMOC data) created by Kevin Bohan
We need a set of web services that allow clients to query for …
10:01 Ticket #17 (make sure the GMOC database schema and the new object model are ...) created by Kevin Bohan
It stands to reason that if you have a coherent object model and a …
09:56 Ticket #16 (design a common object model) created by Kevin Bohan
Before we roll a new client (or update the existing one), we need to …
09:55 Ticket #15 (backport any local edits in production into SVN) created by Kevin Bohan
There may be local edits in production that aren't in SVN. Figure it …
09:54 Ticket #14 (package the GMOC DB backend code into an RPM) created by Kevin Bohan
Package it and redeploy during a maintenance window.
09:52 Ticket #13 (too many datapath measurements for slivers and resources) created by Kevin Bohan
When looking at the list of measurements for both slivers and …
09:50 Ticket #12 (add a Slices tab to the Slice Authority section) created by Kevin Bohan
Currently the GMOC DB doesn't know about mappings between Slices to …
09:48 Ticket #11 (only show the Organizations section when the user has one) created by Kevin Bohan
Right now, the Organizations section is displayed for everybody all …
09:46 Ticket #10 (users that aren't a member of an organization get an error in the ...) created by Kevin Bohan
When the currently logged-in user is not a member of any organization, …
09:43 Ticket #9 (make GMOC UI answer with a geni.net URL) created by Kevin Bohan
Chaos set up gmoc.geni.net as a CNAME to the GMOC UI. We need to make …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.