Custom Query (98 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#73 fixed Create timeline for deploying a rack

Create a document covering all the steps in deploying a rack, including things that the site admins need to do beforehand, during, and after, from specification to ordering to opening the rack up to GENI experimenters.

#85 fixed Document names of things in racks somebody

There should be a page where a site admin could find out the names of the various things in their rack; especially the things that aren't in public DNS, like the fact that the control plane switch is "procurve1", the dataplane switch "procurve2", etc. (Or possibly those things should have better names.) But also things like the fact that there's a 'control' node, which has four VMs named 'ops', 'boss', 'foam', and 'flowvisor', how the experimenter nodes are named, etc.

#91 fixed Identify and provide access to any rack monitoring tools

If the InstaGENI team is doing any monitoring of the BBN InstaGENI rack, document it, and provide access to any tools to the BBN site admins.

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