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#96 somebody fixed Northwestern is missing a campus connection (port 23 on vlan 10)

As part of the InstaGENI Confirmation testing there is a check to verify that a campus resources connection is configured for the rack being verified. The Northwestern rack does not have a port configured for a campus network.

Current procurve1 config:

vlan 10 
   name "control-hardware" 
   ip address 

Expected procurve1 config:

vlan 10 
   name "control-hardware" 
   untagged 23 
   ip address 
#97 somebody fixed Northwestern procurve2 switch configuration inconsistencies

As part of the InstaGENI Confirmation testing there is a check to verify that the new site switch configuration is somewhat consistent with the existing GPO switch configuration.

The Northwestern rack data plane switch procurve2 differs for VLAN configuration on GPO, there are 4 differences below, please provide and explanation for each.

Note: I am ignoring interface name differences, but expect that the configuration is consistent for number of ports and settings configured for a VLAN

  1. Northwestern had one network for VLAN 10:
    vlan 10 
    name "control-hardware" 
    untagged A20 
    ip address
    while GPO has 2 network for the same VLAN 10:
    vlan 10 
    name "control-hardware" 
    untagged E20 
    ip address 
    ip address 
  1. GPO has 4 VLANs (1, 10, 257, 1750) while Northwestern has 6 VLANs (1, 10, 257, 258, 259, 1750).
  1. Northwestern VLAN 1 includes:
     vlan 1 
     name "DEFAULT_VLAN" 
     forbid A3,A6 
     untagged A4-A5,A7-A12,A14-A19,A21-A23 
     no untagged A1-A3,A6,A13,A20,A24 
     no ip address 
    While GPO VLAN 1 includes ranges that do not quite match:
    vlan 1 
    name "DEFAULT_VLAN" 
    forbid E1-E3,E5-E6 
    untagged A1-A24,E7-E19,E21-E22 
    tagged E23 
    no untagged E1-E6,E20,E24 
    no ip address 
  1. Northwestern VLAN 1750 includes:
     vlan 1750 
     name "_11" 
     tagged E4,E24 
     no ip address 
    While GPO VLAN 1750 includes:
    vlan 1750 
    name "_3" 
    tagged A1-A2,A24 
    no ip address 
#98 somebody fixed Poor performance for VM to VM connections within an InstaGENI rack

Iperf has been used in the Site Confirmation tests to capture performance for each of the experimenter test cases.

The confirmation test (IG-CT-1 - Access to New Site VM resources) has consistently found poor TCP performance results for all initial racks (GPO, Northwestern, Utah).

For IG-CT-1, measurements were captures from VM to VM within one rack over TCP for a duration of 60 seconds for 1, 5 and 10 iperf client connections. In all cases VMs assigned were on the same node.

End pointsOne Client5 Clients 10 ClientsPing rtt min/avg/max/mdev
GPO 294 Kbits/sec 1.68 Mbits/sec 3.45 Mbits/sec 0.025/0.030/0.042/0.006 ms
Northwestern 294 Kbits/sec 1.65 Mbits/sec 3.52 Mbits/sec 0.025/0.029/0.048/0.007 ms
Utah 294 Kbits/sec 1.52 Mbits/sec 3.48 Mbits/sec 0.019/0.029/0.045/0.006 ms

The results as captured for the test runs at each rack:

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