

20:43 Ticket #164 (the interface table in the database should have a last_updated field) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: This has been resolved. The only issue is that Mitch has a dataset …


11:39 Ticket #164 (the interface table in the database should have a last_updated field) created by chaos@bbn.com
Some aggregates report ephemeral interfaces which were created to …


14:22 Ticket #163 (gmoc.py requires interface names to be URNs, but xchange2db3 does not) created by chaos@bbn.com
A client is allowed to submit an interface name which is not a URN …
14:02 Ticket #162 (gmoc.py requires resource names to be URNs, but xchange2db3 does not) created by chaos@bbn.com
When resource names which are not URNs are submitted to gmoc-db: * …


11:23 Ticket #161 (Allow the ability to define slivers without defining the whole aggregate) created by sedwards@bbn.com
Reporting sliver information currently requires reporting the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.