

11:23 Ticket #161 (Allow the ability to define slivers without defining the whole aggregate) created by sedwards@bbn.com
Reporting sliver information currently requires reporting the …


15:07 Ticket #160 (gmoc.py download should allow a threshold to only download ...) created by chaos@bbn.com
At the moment, when data is downloaded using gmoc.py, the API searches …


11:48 Ticket #159 (create a UI for the GMOC Service Desk to use in inserting POP entries ...) created by chaos@bbn.com
As part of the fix for GMT 157, we need a new UI page for the …


16:09 Ticket #158 (gmoc.py should allow submission of resources which have no aggregate) created by chaos@bbn.com
It is optional for a resource to have an aggregate set, so there …
15:01 Ticket #157 (organization metadata submission needs an overhaul) created by chaos@bbn.com
When new GENI sites start submitting monitoring data to GMOC, they …


14:48 Ticket #154 (when Interface() data is loaded directly from gmoc, ...) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: Dan fixed this last week while we were debugging.
14:46 Ticket #148 (xchange2db silently truncates Interface URNs at 64 characters) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: The interface URN length limit is now 128 characters on gmoc-db as …


15:07 Ticket #156 (numerous HASH-named category names and descriptions on gmoc-db) created by chaos@bbn.com
The category table at …
14:31 Ticket #114 (the database should contain a direct link between aggregates and resources) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: The resource/aggregate link has been implemented and tested in …


16:52 Ticket #155 (when a newly-created aggregate submits data for the first time, the ...) created by chaos@bbn.com
When a new dataset is submitted containing: * a new aggregate entity …
15:54 Ticket #154 (when Interface() data is loaded directly from gmoc, ...) created by chaos@bbn.com
When a resource with interfaces is loaded from gmoc using e.g.: […] …
14:54 Ticket #153 (when two slices have the same UUID, a sliver may be mapped to the wrong one) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: Dan fixed this: in newly-submitted dataset rothe010 (identical to …
14:01 Ticket #153 (when two slices have the same UUID, a sliver may be mapped to the wrong one) created by chaos@bbn.com
UUIDs are only unique per UUID-generating entity, not globally. …


17:31 Ticket #151 (when a Sliver object is downloaded, the associated slice is not populated) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: I did a clean test with config_009 (identical to 008 with the tags …
17:02 Ticket #152 (when a Sliver object is downloaded, that sliver appears twice in ...) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: With gmoc.py 1.2.4, that test now yields: […] Fixed!
15:13 Ticket #152 (when a Sliver object is downloaded, that sliver appears twice in ...) created by chaos@bbn.com
This code: […] yields: […]
14:34 Ticket #151 (when a Sliver object is downloaded, the associated slice is not populated) created by chaos@bbn.com
This sliver download code: […] yields: […] The sliver in …
11:14 Ticket #150 (Interface() string representation fails when a NetAddress() is defined ...) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: This is fixed in 1.2.2.


11:03 Ticket #150 (Interface() string representation fails when a NetAddress() is defined ...) created by chaos@bbn.com
When i create a new NetAddress and give it only an IPv4 address and …


16:20 Ticket #149 (gmoc.py prepends a URN prefix onto invalid URNs provided by callers) created by chaos@bbn.com
When i invoke: […] the interface id parameter gets set to: […] …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.