Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#122 closed (fixed)

sliver being submitted by is not updating

Reported by: Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone: data submission debugging
Component: Database Version:
Keywords: Cc:


The node smyrna ( is submitting the relational data:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<gmoc_topology time="1349305615" version="4">
        <pop name=""/>
        <aggregate name="" organization="" pop="" type="foam" version="0.8.2">
                <sliver approved="true" created="1342148834" creator="" expires="1350356400" local_name="" slice_urn="" slice_uuid="None" state="Up" uuid="34d126b1-40f6-4af5-aa23-b414ca691be2">
                        <resource_mapping local_name="34d126b1-40f6-4af5-aa23-b414ca691be2" resource="" type="flowspace"/>
                        <resource_mapping local_name="34d126b1-40f6-4af5-aa23-b414ca691be2" resource="" type="flowspace"/>
                        <resource_mapping local_name="34d126b1-40f6-4af5-aa23-b414ca691be2" resource="" type="flowspace"/>
                        <resource_mapping local_name="34d126b1-40f6-4af5-aa23-b414ca691be2" resource="" type="flowspace"/>
                        <resource_mapping local_name="34d126b1-40f6-4af5-aa23-b414ca691be2" resource="" type="flowspace"/>
                        <resource_mapping local_name="34d126b1-40f6-4af5-aa23-b414ca691be2" resource="" type="flowspace"/>
                        <resource_mapping local_name="34d126b1-40f6-4af5-aa23-b414ca691be2" resource="" type="flowspace"/>
                        <resource_mapping local_name="34d126b1-40f6-4af5-aa23-b414ca691be2" resource="" type="flowspace"/>
        <resource aggregate="" description="" name="" organization="" pop="" state="Unknown" type="datapath"/>
        <resource aggregate="" description="" name="" organization="" pop="" state="Unknown" type="datapath"/>
        <resource aggregate="" description="" name="" organization="" pop="" state="Unknown" type="datapath"/>
        <resource aggregate="" description="" name="" organization="" pop="" state="Unknown" type="datapath"/>
        <resource aggregate="" description="" name="" organization="" pop="" state="Unknown" type="datapath"/>
        <resource aggregate="" description="" name="" organization="" pop="" state="Unknown" type="datapath"/>
        <resource aggregate="" description="" name="" organization="" pop="" state="Unknown" type="datapath"/>
        <resource aggregate="" description="" name="" organization="" pop="" state="Unknown" type="datapath"/>

The submission is being accepted. However, per, the sliver

is still showing a last_update time of July. Determine why the sliver data is not being updated in the database, and fix a bug causing this if there is one.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by

Ah. This is a grandfathered sliver from a pre-foam-0.8 AM, so it needs to use the contact URN

We didn't install that contact entry on gmoc-db. Let's do that, and then see where we are.

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Great. Now that that entry has been installed, i can:

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