{9} Milestone: GPO GEC17 priorities (5 matches)

Open tickets related to GPO priorities in the GEC16-GEC17 time period.

Ticket Summary Component Keywords Owner Type Priority Created
#158 gmoc.py should allow submission of resources which have no aggregate Clients v1.2.12 somebody task major 02/05/13
#166 document the GENI relational object model in a canonical way Clients somebody task major 03/29/13
#167 write a sample ACL policy for the GENI relational object model Infrastructure somebody task major 04/01/13
#170 Make the "Last Contacted" time on https://gmoc-db.grnoc.iu.edu/ actually be the last time the node was updated WebUI daldoyle@grnoc.iu.edu task major 04/09/13
#171 GMOC-DB UI Bug Report: Datapath Stats WebUI somebody task trivial 04/17/13
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