Custom Query (17 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Version
#12 add a Slices tab to the Slice Authority section new somebody minor GEC15 demo GEC15
#4 Add logout functionality to the UI new Kevin Bohan minor
#125 Allow some parts of the UI to be accessible without a password new somebody major
#144 document how to view and obtain data from gmoc-db new somebody major
#22 GMOC DB Feature Request: Assign/Change Roles in the UI new somebody major GEC15
#145 GMOC DB Feature Request: Notes Section new somebody major GEC16
#171 GMOC-DB UI Bug Report: Datapath Stats new somebody trivial GPO GEC17 priorities GEC17
#20 integrate the GlobalNOC Atlas2 software into the GMOC UI new somebody critical GEC15
#9 make GMOC UI answer with a URL new somebody major GEC15
#170 Make the "Last Contacted" time on actually be the last time the node was updated new major GPO GEC17 priorities
#126 new_user.cgi is confusing to users who already have GENI-created gmoc-db contact entries new somebody major
#21 normalize URLs to be consistent across multiple AuthN schemes new somebody minor GEC15
#11 only show the Organizations section when the user has one new somebody minor GEC15
#173 sliver counts inconsistent between Slice summary page and Slice details page new somebody major
#117 the web UI should display a mapping between aggregates and resources even if the resources have no slivers new somebody major
#13 too many datapath measurements for slivers and resources new somebody major GEC15
#10 users that aren't a member of an organization get an error in the Organizations section new somebody major GEC15
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.