Custom Query (58 matches)


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Status: closed (58 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Priority Component Version Resolution
#29 need a version number in the code somebody critical Clients fixed
#24 objects with a UUID field should accept a string somebody major Clients fixed
#25 "organization" parameter should be consistently named either "operator" or "organization" somebody major Clients fixed
#26 need to import python types when comparing to ListType somebody major Clients fixed
#27 Aggregate class 'slivers' setter throws an error due to a typo somebody major Clients fixed
#28 datetime setters need to use datetime.datetime as the type, rather than datetime somebody major Clients fixed
#30 the Sliver object needs a setter for the approved parameter somebody major Clients fixed
#31 the Sliver.slices parameter needs improvement somebody major Clients fixed
#33 `PhysicalAddress` improperly allows `id` to be set somebody major Clients fixed
#35 `POP` is missing `sliceAuthorities` attribute somebody major Clients fixed
#36 `SA_TYPE_PROTOGENI` should be of type string. somebody major Clients fixed
#37 syntax error in Resource.slices() somebody major Clients fixed
#38 when Aggregate.resource() is used to set an aggregate's resources, this fails to set Resource.aggregate somebody major Clients fixed
#39 typo in Aggregate.resources setter somebody major Clients fixed
#40 class Aggregate throws "TypeError: __call__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'type'" when given any optional argument somebody major Clients fixed
#41 typo in Resources.slices and Aggregate.slices getters somebody major Clients fixed
#42 `SliceAuthority` class is missing an operator attribute somebody major Clients fixed
#43 can't use __init__ to set Aggregate.version and Aggregate.type somebody major Clients fixed
#44 typoes in POP.resources() getter somebody major Clients fixed
#45 typo in `Sliver.slice` getter somebody major Clients fixed
#46 Aggregate.slices still iterates over Sliver.slices instead of using new non-list Sliver.slice somebody major Clients fixed
#47 typo in Slice __init__ method prevents uuid from being set somebody major Clients fixed
#48 don't autogenerate a URN for resources which don't provide one somebody major Clients fixed
#49 many-to-many mapping of slivers to resources is not supported somebody major Clients fixed
#50 SliceAuthority.__init__() no longer accepts pop argument somebody major Clients fixed
#51 Slice.__init__() function no longer accepts sa parameter somebody major Clients fixed
#52 the Slice.sliceAuthority() setter is a noop somebody major Clients fixed
#53 the SliceAuthority.pop setter is a noop somebody major Clients fixed
#54 Aggregate.__init__() no longer accepts pop argument somebody major Clients fixed
#55 Resource.__init__() no longer accepts pop argument somebody major Clients fixed
#56 the Aggregate.pop setter is a noop somebody major Clients fixed
#57 the Resource.pop setter is a noop somebody major Clients fixed
#59 typo in sliver setter of ResourceMapping object somebody major Clients fixed
#60 validateContactURN generates URN in dubious namespace somebody major Clients fixed
#64 Resource.description is an optional parameter, but Resource.toXML() fails if it is not set somebody major Clients fixed
#66 the identifier for POP objects should be a URN somebody major Clients fixed
#67 determine what to do about Aggregate unique identifier somebody major Clients fixed
#68 mandatory GMOCClient.serviceURL parameter is not required by __init__() somebody major Clients fixed
#69 Sliver.approved parameter is omitted from XML serialization somebody major Clients fixed
#70 Sliver.state parameter is encoded incorrectly in XML serialization somebody major Clients fixed
#71 when slivers are defined, Resource.slices throws an exception somebody major Clients fixed
#72 toXML() for Location object does not include Physical Address somebody major Clients fixed
#73 Slice object's primaryContact should not be Creator's e-mail somebody major Clients fixed
#75 Slice's URN should have an authority matching it's SA somebody major Clients fixed
#77 Resource id should check that it's a URN somebody major Clients fixed
#79 `Resource`'s XML is missing `state` properties information somebody major Clients fixed
#80 no Contact data is serialized into XML for SliceAuthority users somebody major Clients fixed
#81 Slice.toXML() output is missing creator parameter somebody major Clients fixed
#82 Slice.__init__() does the wrong thing when a created timestamp is provided somebody major Clients fixed
#83 Fix SliceAuthority's type in document somebody major Clients fixed
#84 Add Slice's primaryContact to doc somebody major Clients fixed
#86 Add vlans to Interface object in doc somebody major Clients fixed
#87 Add VLAN object to doc somebody major Clients fixed
#88 Define `circuit-admin-state` constant in document. somebody major Clients fixed
#89 Resource id can be any type of URN in doc somebody major Clients fixed
#90 `Network` object `circuits` can't be set somebody major Clients fixed
#58 visible name `uuid_` of parameter to `Slice.__init__()` is confusing somebody minor Clients fixed
#63 typo: Interface, Network, and ResourceMapping classes are multiply defined somebody minor Clients invalid
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.