
GMOC Procedure - GENI Wireless Event

GMOC is responsible for receiving and responding to notices of wireless site events on GENI. GENI wireless sites host commercial grade LTE and WiMAX base stations operating in the educational and broadband spectrum (EBS), which is currently owned by Sprint Networks. GENI has an agreement with Sprint that allows it to use the 2.5-2.7GHz spectrum for research and educational use as per FCC rules. A notice when received has to be treated as a critical active event requiring immediate attention. GMOC will need to work with the GPO and Rutgers University (currently) and site administrators (after the GENI transition), as well as with Sprint to resolve these events.

Active Event: GMOC receives email/phone call from a Sprint company representative, who manages the GENI relationship, about a frequency violation that is detected through their active monitoring. This happens if an experimenter modified a parameter they were not supposed to or a site admin changed the parameter. Since the frequency assignments allowed at each GENI site are documented here (, any change to the status quo should be treated as a critical wireless event.

Initial Information Gathering

In each case, the GMOC will create a ticket and record as much as the following information as possible

  • Initial Sprint reporter’s contact information.
    • Name
    • Phone Number
    • Email Address: domain
  • When did this start?
  • Site Name and Site Contact
  • Symptoms and Impact to Sprint

Note: While GMOC is 24x7, GENI and its other partners usually provide support only during normal business hours (Critical security events are an exception.) This means the procedure assumes no after hours support or responses from other GENI members, even though some may reply on their own initiative.

Active Event

Once the initial gathering of information is complete, follow the below process when responding to an Active Event. All steps and communication should be documented in the ticket.

  • Verification: No verification is needed if a representative from Sprint‘s team reports the initial event, because they should already have performed the necessary monitoring steps. If a site administrator reports the event, GMOC will verify credentials based on school domain name and cross reference with
  • Tracking: Record the results of verification steps, and contact appropriate parties needed to resolve the issue based upon initial information gathering. Note the initiator should be cc’d on all email communication.
    • Handoff to Site admin by email with a cc: to
    • If no response takes place in 2 hours for an event that occurs during business hours, escalate to Manu Gosain: and cc Ivan Seskar: Ivan Seskar .
    • Track progress with the site administrator and update the ticket until resolution.
    • Follow up with the Sprint Reporter and the support team to ensure the issue has been resolved completely.
      • Send notification to Sprint representative, if he was not the reporter
      • Close ticket
    • More information
  • GENI Wireless information about equipment, resources and operation is available at these URLs:
Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on 10/25/16 15:52:05