
Version 1 (modified by Prasad Calyam, 12 years ago) (diff)


OnTimeMeasure: Centralized and Distributed Measurement Orchestration Software

Quarterly Status Report Document for Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) Project # 1764

Prasad Calyam (PI) and Paul Schopis (Co-PI)

Ohio Supercomputer Center/OARnet, The Ohio State University

Update Period: April 2012 - July 2012

I. Major accomplishments

A. Milestones achieved

In the project period between April 2012 - July 2012, we have made significant progress towards our milestones [1]. A summary of our accomplishments is as follows:

  • Based on our previous completed activities of milestones OnTime: S4.a GENI Infrastructure Monitoring and OnTimeMeasure enhancements and OnTime: S4.b GENI infrastructure measurements, we successfully completed the latest milestone as planned: OnTime: S4.c GENI infrastructure measurements including non-IP traffic.
  • To date, we have 45 users from 17 GENI-related projects registered in the OnTimeMeasure researcher web-portal to try out the software. We have integrated OnTimeMeasure with 7 GENI projects: ProtoGENI/Flack [3], PlanetLab [4], InsTools [5], CRON [6] Gush [7], and DOR [8].
  • We have also made progress towards the GPO requirement to collaborate with related GENI measurement and security projects on a common GENI instrumentation and measurement architecture.

B. Deliverables made

  • Released updated OnTimeMeasure software along with a tutorial slides, wikis and videos, source code tar files with documentation and installation instructions in the “Current Capabilities” section of the project wiki.
  • Published a new OnTimeMeasure Tutorial, which is a step-by-step tutorial for experimenters to learn about the main I&M capabilities of OnTimeMeasure software/service that can be used in an integrated manner with Flack/ProtoGENI, INSTOOLS, Gush, OMNI and PlanetLab.
  • We are continuing to support GENI experimenters with OnTimeMeasure. A notable support activity relates to - "Design of Cyber Physical Framework for Assembly of Microdevices" experiment led by the Oklahoma State University, where OnTimeMeasure software was successfully used in the development of a Masters' Thesis of Graduate Student - Raviteja Gunda. A peer-reviewed paper has been accepted for publication in the ASME Congress 2012 Proceedings

Demonstrate the measurement of performance of GENI backbone and access networks that may be carrying non-IP traffic. Propose and deliver a plan for evaluating the performance of GENI's backbone and access networks when using OpenFlow (e.g. GENI ""Plastic Slices""). Consider how to monitor the performance of OpenFlow networks and suggest new tools needed for monitoring such networks. Present plan at GEC.

  • Presented a status update at GEC14 describing our progress and accomplishments relating to performance measurements of GENI backbone and access networks from the context of a Virtual Desktop Cloud experiment featuring non-IP and OpenFlow related traffic. We setup a multi-domain GENI slice with data centers at VMLab @ Ohio State, and ProtoGENI @ University of Utah, and thin-clients at wide-area ProtoGENI nodes at campuses such as Wisconsin, Rutgers, Stanford and Georgia Tech. Our emulation experimentation leverages OpenFlow programmable networking, as well as LAMP/perfSONAR instrumentation and measurement capabilities for validating a resource placement framework under realistic settings. Using empirical results from our slice, we demonstrated the importance of scheduling regulated measurements that can be used for intelligent resource placement decisions within experiment slices. In addition, we showed the feasibility and benefits of using OpenFlow controller applications for path selection and load balancing between thin-client sites and data centers in Virtual Desktop Clouds.
  • Demonstrated the use of LAMP/perfSONAR tools for making measurements in the GENI backbone and access networks, and developed an experiences document that was discussed with GPO in a teleconference.
  • Developed a written proposal for implementing infrastructure measurement slices in GENI backbone and access networks, and are working with the LAMP project team to show how they may be used for infrastructure measurement. We worked closely with GPO, Internet2 and OARnet Network Engineering to setup an infrastructure measurement slice that spans GENI backbone and access networks in Ohio and Utah. The slice functioning was demonstrated at the GEC13 poster session. Details of the proposal can be found in our GREE12 Paper on OSU Virtual Desktop Cloud Experiment.
  • Published quarterly status report document on the GENI project website.

B. Project participants

The following participants have helped in the execution of the project activities described in this status report:

  • Prasad Calyam (PI) – Ohio Supercomputer Center/OARnet
  • Arunprasath Selvadhurai (Student Research Assistant) - OARnet
  • Sudharsan Rajagopalan (Student Research Assistant) - OARnet
  • Saravanan Mohan (Student Research Assistant) - OARnet
  • David Welling (Student Research Assistant) - Ohio Supercomputer Center/OARnet

C. Publications (individual and organizational)

  1. Calyam, OnTimeMeasure Status Update, GEC14 I&M and Monitoring Session, July 2012.

GEC14 Demo Poster

D. Outreach activities

  • P. Calyam, “OnTimeMeasure Status Update”, GEC14 I&M and Monitoring Session, July 2012.

E. Collaborations

We have been collaborating with several GENI project teams: ProtoGENI/Flack, LAMP, Instrumentation Tools, S3, GPO Mesoscale, Internet2, NLR.


[1] OnTimeMeasure-GENI Project Wiki –

[2] P. Calyam, K. Zhu, “OnTimeMeasure Project Experiences with using ProtoGENI in Spiral 2”, August 2010.

[3] P. Calyam, K. Zhu, “OnTimeMeasure Installation Procedure on ProtoGENI”, July 2010.

[4] P. Calyam, R. Patali, K. Zhu, “OnTimeMeasure Installation Procedure on PlanetLab”, August 2010.

[5] P. Calyam, R. Patali, “OnTimeMeasure Integration Efforts with Instrumentation Tools”, August 2010.

[6] P. Calyam, K. Zhu, “OnTimeMeasure Installation Procedure on CRON 10Gbps Testbed”, November 2010.

[7] P. Calyam, A. Berryman, K. Zhu, “OnTimeMeasure Integration Efforts with Gush Experimenter Workflow Tool”, January 2011.

[8] P. Calyam, Y. Zhu, “OnTimeMeasure Integration Efforts with Digital Object Repository”, June 2011.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CNS-0940805. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of BBN Technologies, Corp., the GENI Project Office, or the National Science Foundation.