Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of MilestonesAndTickets

04/21/09 16:37:47 (15 years ago)
Aaron Falk



  • MilestonesAndTickets

    v2 v3  
    1111    - Providing an update on progress of an open milestone
    1212  * Anyone with a wiki account can create a ticket.  It is expected that project staff and the GPO will create and update tickets.
    13   * It is important that the ticket is assigned to the correct ''milestone'' and ''owner''.
     13  * It is important that the ticket is assigned to the correct ''milestone'' and ''owner'' and the GPO system engineer should be included under ''cc:''.
    1414  * A useful view for checking the tickets associated milestones is [report:3 Active Tickets by Milestone].
    1515  * Ticket associated with overdue milestones should be updated frequently (e.g., 2-3 times per month).
    16   * Only the GPO can mark a milestone as complete.  Once  a project believes it has achieved a milestone, send email to your GPO system engineer indicating this.  If the milestone is overdue, the email should point to a ticket with updated progress.  (This is a good practice under any conditions.)  If the system engineer agrees the milestone is complete, they will update the milestone entry and the listing on the project page.
     16  * Only the GPO can mark a milestone as complete.  Once  a project believes it has achieved a milestone, an associated ticket should be updated to reflect the progress.  The GPO SE will get a copy of the ticket (see above).  If the system engineer agrees the milestone is complete, they will update the milestone entry and the listing on the project page.
    1717  * To create a ticket that notes a dependency on another project, create a ticket, associate it with one of your milestones, assign the owner to be the PI of the other project, add text that describes the dependency.