Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of GeniOmisGEC4

04/15/09 14:35:34 (16 years ago)
Aaron Falk



  • GeniOmisGEC4

    v14 v15  
    4747Comments from Steve Schwab:
    49 There is also a security talk that Steve is giving in the control working group meeting, which is the day before OMIS.  Expect the control talk to be focused more in implementation "nitty gritty", and what specifically the control frameworks need to do for security (especially in Spiral 1).  The OMIS talk will focus more on explaining to projects and participants what the security policy means for their work, and what the implications are for setting up research users and operating facilities that are on GENI.  Campus environments especially will be something that should cause discussion.  Steve will mention the OMIS security discussion in the control working group meeting.
     49There is also a security talk that Steve is giving in the control working group meeting, which is the day before OMIS.  Expect the control talk to be focused more in implementation "nitty gritty", and what specifically the control frameworks need to do for security (especially in Spiral 1).  The OMIS talk will focus more on explaining to projects and participants what the security policy means for their work, and what the implications are for setting up research users and operating infrastructure that is on GENI.  Campus environments especially will be something that should cause discussion.  Steve will mention the OMIS security discussion in the control working group meeting.
    5151Comments from Jon-Paul Herron: