Version 10 (modified by 13 years ago) (diff) | ,
Embedded Real-Time Measurements Evaluation
The Embedded Real-Time Measurements (ERM) project had a deliverable that required the delivery of the NetFPGA hardware source code and simulation source code used in developing an experiment to highlight the advantages of the ERM system. The images validated in this effort were found at the GENI ERM page. Both the ERM Simulation Source Code and the NetFPGA Code were attachments at the GENI ERM page.
Embedded Real-Time Measurements Findings
The evaluation of the ERM packages focused mainly on documentation and packaging, due to the run time platform not being available for this evaluation. The evaluation findings were captured in these emails:
Currently working on resolving issues.
Embedded Real-Time Measurements How-to
Unpack Simulation package:
$ unzip GENI\ 10\ Simulations\ $ cd GENI\ 10\ Simulations\ 2/
The package includes a README.txt that states the following:
GENI and Columbia University proprietary Authors: Lightwave Research Laboratory Last Modified: March 2011 All rights reserved Discrete Event Simulations of Optical Mesh Network ********************************************************************************** Release: Version 1 Date: March 2011. Contact Email:; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This software does not come with guarantees ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Functionalities present in this release: ---------------------------------------- * Discrete event simulations of optical mesh networks. * Events are the arrival and departure of the lightpath demands according to the Poission distribution and exponential service times. * This simulator can perform, unicast, multicast, anycast and manycast communication parad igms. In the case of multicast, the light-trees are configured in the network, where the o ptical switches (ROADMS) perform the light splitting. * The routing used in the simulator is Shortest-path (OSPF) and the wavelength assigments can be random or first-fit. * Impairment-aware RWA algorithms are implemented via a Quality-of-Transmission (QoT) esti mator. * Rudimentary energy models are implemented for the optical physical layer. * Control signaling latencies are modeled. * Simulator can be scalable to wavelengths and the network topologies. * Large scale mesh networks are considered. ---------------------- Running the simulator: ---------------------- * The main file is "main.m". * The input parameters file used to run the "main.m" is "InputParam.txt" * The file "InputParam.txt" consists of the description of the parameters and their values.
Unpack NetFPGA package:
$ unzip $ cd geni_umf_v3_3pin/geni_umf_v3_3pin/
The NetFPGA package includes a README_ERM_Updated.txt file which states:
The hardware portion of the ERM Box code primarily used to actuate a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA). This code is written using the existing NetFPGA code structure. Please visit the NetFPGA wiki ( taining_Gateware_Software_Pack) for more information on how to use it. +------------------------------------------------------------------------ | $Id$ | | Description: Quick intro to NetFPGA +------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS: 1.0 Tree structure 2.0 Getting started with design 2.1 Using modules 2.2 Adding your own code 2.3 Overriding library code 2.4 Coregen 3.0 Environment setup 4.0 Simulation 5.0 Implementation 6.0 Running the hardware 6.1 Kernel Driver 6.2 Download 7.0 Contacts +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 1.0 Tree structure +----------------------------------------------------------------------- The tree is structured as follows: NetFPGA2.1-x.y | +------ bin (contains scripts for running simulations | and setting up the environment) | +------ lib (contains stable modules and common parts | | that are needed for simulation/synthesis/design) | | | +---- C (contains common software and code for reference designs) | | | +---- verilog (contains modules and files that can be reused for design) | | | +---- Makefiles (various makefiles for simulation and synthesis) | | | +---- Perl5 (contains common libraries to interact with | reference designs and aid in simulation) | +------ projects (contains user projects including the reference designs) | +---- geni_umf_v3_3pin | | | +---- src (contains all the verilog code to be used for | | synthesis and simulation) | | | +---- synth (contains user .xco files to generate cores | | and Makefile to implement the design) | | | +---- sw (contains all software parts for the project) | | | +---- include (contains files that define macros and other | files to be included for simulation and/or synthesis) | +---- other netfpga projects (reference 4-port IPv4 router) | +---- CPCI2.1 (code for the Spartan device) he tree was design to enable modularity and common code sharing between the library and the user projects. The scripts used for synthesis and simulation should be flexible enough to allow the user to add her own code without changing or understanding how the scripts work. But this is outside the scope of this README. +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 2.0 Getting started with Design +----------------------------------------------------------------------- The best way to learn how to use the tree is by example. If you look at the reference_nic project, you will notice several things: 1- The src directory is empty: This is because the project only uses library modules. 2- The sw directory is empty: This is because the software for the switch is also in the library 3- There is one file under include: lib_modules.txt. This file specifies the library modules to use. The best way to start a design is by copying either the reference_switch or the reference_router directories and adding/modifying files in the new directory. * 2.1 USING LIBRARY MODULES The lib_modules.txt file specifies a list of modules to use from the library. The modules are specified relative to the NetFPGA2.1-x.y/lib/verilog directory. You can choose to use different modules simply by changing the module path in the lib_modules.txt file. * 2.2 ADDING YOUR OWN CODE To add your own code, write the verilog files and put them in the src directory. You can also choose to partition them into separate directories under src. Note that only one level of hierarchy is usable. You can choose to use some, all, or even none of the original library modules. You can copy the library code and modify it in your project directory. Take out the library modules you are not using from the lib_modules.txt file. * 2.3 OVERRIDING LIBRARY CODE You might decide that you only need to change one file of a library module. You don't need to copy all the sources and remove the library module from lib_modules.txt. Simply copy the file you wish to modify to your project's src directory and modify it there. * 2.4 COREGEN If you need to use IP cores generated with Xilinx's Coregen, copy the .xco file that was generated to your project's synth directory. You don't need any of the other files. The scripts will take care of it. +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 3.0 Environment setup +----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following environment variables need to be set: NF2_ROOT - set to the root directory of the tree (NetFPGA2.1-x.y) NF2_DESIGN_DIR - set to the project's directory (e.g. $NF2_ROOT/projects/reference_nic) NF2_WORK_DIR - set to the working directory (somewhere with lots of space) If you are running BASH you will then need to source ${NF2_ROOT}/lib/bin/nf2_profile. Otherwise, if you are running CSH then you will need to source ${NF2_ROOT}/lib/bin/nf2_cshrc. NOTE: Please make sure that the settings in these two files correspond to your setup. THE DEFAULTS WILL *NOT* WORK! +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 4.0 Simulation +----------------------------------------------------------------------- To simulate your design, there are several libraries to help. Take a look at reference_router/verif/test_router_full to see how to use the perl library functions. To create your own testbench, copy one of the test_* directories and make sure its name has 3 parts test_major_minor. You can then modify the make_pkts file to your liking. The Perl libraries used live in lib/Perl5. You can add your own libraries your project's verif/src dir. To run the simulation, use the following command: --major x --minor y To run it with a gui, add the --gui switch. Type --help for full details. NOTE: coregen needs X. Make sure that you are running from a graphical console if IP cores are being built (for example the first time you are simulating or implementing a design.) +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 5.0 Implementation +----------------------------------------------------------------------- To implement your design, cd to the synth directory and type make. If all goes well, you should end up with nf2_top_par.bit file that you can use to download to the FPGA. If problems occur, make sure that you have all the .xco files for the user generated IP cores in the synth directory. Make sure to look at nf2_top_par.twr to make sure that your design has passed timing checks. Also make sure to heed the note in section 4.0 above. +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 6.0 Running the hardware +----------------------------------------------------------------------- To run the hardware, there are two steps: 1- load the kernel module 2- download the .bin file * 6.1 KERNEL DRIVER 1- cd to the lib/C/kernel directory, and type make. 2- as root, type insmod nf2.ko If all goes well, you should see nf2c0, nf2c1, nf2c2, and nf2c3 when you do ifconfig -a. If not, check that the card is plugged in properly and see if it is identified by the lspci command. * 6.2 DOWNLOAD 1- cd to lib/C/download and type make 2- as root, type nf2_download /path/to/nf2_top_par.bin That's it! Your hardware is loaded on the device and should be working. Browse through the tools under lib/C/switch, lib/C/router, and lib/C/tools for tools to use to interact with real hardware. +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 7.0 Contacts +----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Jad Naous <first initial last name at stanford period edu> For reference design questions, library modules, synthesis and simulation makefile questions. - Glen Gibb <first initial r last initial at stanford period edu> For board problems and simulation Perl libraries.
Attachments (5)
- ERM-feedback-20111020.txt (3.3 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
- ERM-feedback-20111024.txt (4.7 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
- ERM-feedback-20111024a.txt (6.2 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
- ERM-feedback-20111101.txt (8.0 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
- ERM-feedback-20111102.txt (8.6 KB) - added by 13 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip