
Version 13 (modified by, 11 years ago) (diff)


EG-EXP-7: Click Router Experiment Acceptance Test

This page captures status for the test case EG-EXP-2, which verifies a click router scenario between two racks. For overall status see the InstaGENI Acceptance Test Status page.

Last update: 2013/01/11

Test Status

This section captures the status for each step in the acceptance test plan.

Step State Date completed Ticket Comments
Step 1 Color(green,Pass)?
Step 2 Color(green,Pass)?
Step 3 Color(green,Pass)?
Step 4 Color(green,Pass)?
Step 5 Color(green,Pass)?
Step 6 Color(green,Pass)?
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Step 15
Step 16

State Legend Description
Color(green,Pass)? Test completed and met all criteria
Color(#98FB98,Pass: most criteria)? Test completed and met most criteria. Exceptions documented
Color(red,Fail)? Test completed and failed to meet criteria.
Color(yellow,Complete)? Test completed but will require re-execution due to expected changes
Color(orange,Blocked)? Blocked by ticketed issue(s).
Color(#63B8FF,In Progress)? Currently under test.

Test Plan Steps

the following aggregate manager nicknames are used:


1. As Experimenter1, request ListResources from GPO and Utah InstaGENI

As user requested listresources from GPO and Utah InstaGENI aggregates:

$ listresources -a ig-gpo -o
$ listresources -a ig-utah -o

2. Review ListResources output from both AMs

Reviews output files rspec-instageni-gpolab-bbn-com-protogeniv2.xml and rspec-utah-geniracks-net-protogeniv2.xml to determine available resources.

3. Define a request RSpec for three VMs at GPO InstaGENI

For InstaGENI aggregates, the RSpec for a sliver can include resources from multiple aggregates. The aggregate handling the request will only allocate its own resources, therefore one RSpec is used to capture the resource requests for both sites in this scenario.

Defined an RSpec that requests one three VMs at the GPO rack and three VMs at the Utah rack. For each rack aggregate, one of the VMs will be an end-point host and the other two VMs will be click routers.

The RSpec generated is IG-EXP-7.rspec and the topology is shown in the following image using client_ids defined in the RSpec:

4. Define a request RSpec for three VMs at Utah InstaGENI

The RSpec generated for the GPO aggregate is also used for the Utah aggregate, the file is IG-EXP-7.rspec.

5. Create slice

Created a slice:

$ createslice IG-EXP-7

6. Create a sliver

In the slice IG-EXP-7 create a slivers at each AM, using the RSpecs defined above.

$ createsliver -a ig-utah IG-EXP-7 IG-EXP-7.rspec
INFO:omni:Loading config file /home/lnevers/.gcf/omni_config
INFO:omni:Using control framework pg
INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname ig-utah with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
INFO:omni:Slice expires within 1 day on 2013-01-12 00:00:00 UTC
INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname ig-utah with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname ig-utah with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
INFO:omni:Creating sliver(s) from rspec file IG-EXP-7.rspec for slice
INFO:omni:Got return from CreateSliver for slice IG-EXP-7 at
INFO:omni:<!-- Reserved resources for:
	Slice: IG-EXP-7
	at AM:
	URN: unspecified_AM_URN
INFO:omni:<rspec xmlns="" xmlns:flack="" xmlns:planetlab="" xmlns:xsi="" type="manifest" xsi:schemaLocation="">  

 <node client_id="host1" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false">
    <sliver_type name="emulab-openvz"/>
    <interface client_id="host1:if1">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
 <node client_id="click-1" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false">
    <sliver_type name="emulab-openvz"/>
    <interface client_id="click-1:if1">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
    <interface client_id="click-1:if2">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
    <interface client_id="click-1:if3">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
 <node client_id="click-2" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false">
    <sliver_type name="emulab-openvz"/>
    <interface client_id="click-2:if1">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
    <interface client_id="click-2:if2">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
 <node client_id="click-3" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false" component_id="" sliver_id="">
    <sliver_type name="emulab-openvz"/>
    <interface client_id="click-3:if1" sliver_id="" component_id="">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
    <interface client_id="click-3:if2" component_id="" sliver_id="" mac_address="021641cef805">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
 <rs:vnode xmlns:rs="" name="pcvm1-8"/><host name=""/><services><login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="31546" username="lnevers"/></services></node>
 <node client_id="click-4" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false" component_id="" sliver_id="">
    <sliver_type name="emulab-openvz"/>
    <interface client_id="click-4:if1" component_id="" sliver_id="" mac_address="022b7bad5279">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
    <interface client_id="click-4:if2" sliver_id="" component_id="">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
    <interface client_id="click-4:if3" component_id="" sliver_id="" mac_address="025137c513ae">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
 <rs:vnode xmlns:rs="" name="pcvm1-10"/><host name=""/><services><login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="31547" username="lnevers"/></services></node>
 <node client_id="host2" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false" component_id="" sliver_id="">
    <sliver_type name="emulab-openvz"/>
    <interface client_id="host2:if1" component_id="" sliver_id="" mac_address="02ba6c5cb410">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
  <rs:vnode xmlns:rs="" name="pcvm1-11"/><host name=""/><services><login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="31548" username="lnevers"/></services></node>
  <link client_id="link-A">
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <property source_id="host1:if1" dest_id="click-1:if3"/>
    <property source_id="click-1:if3" dest_id="host1:if1"/>
    <interface_ref client_id="host1:if1"/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-1:if3"/>
  <link client_id="link-0" sliver_id="">
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-1:if1"/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-3:if1" component_id="" sliver_id=""/>
    <property source_id="click-1:if1" dest_id="click-3:if1"/>
    <property source_id="click-3:if1" dest_id="click-1:if1"/>
    <link_type name="gre-tunnel"/>
  <link client_id="link-1">
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-1:if2"/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-2:if1"/>
    <property source_id="click-1:if2" dest_id="clik-2:if1"/>
    <property source_id="click-2:if1" dest_id="clik-1:if2"/>
  <link client_id="link-2" sliver_id="">
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-3:if2" component_id="" sliver_id=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-4:if1" component_id="" sliver_id=""/>
    <property source_id="click-3:if2" dest_id="click-4:if1"/>
    <property source_id="click-4:if1" dest_id="click-3:if2"/>
  <link client_id="link-3" sliver_id="">
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-2:if2"/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-4:if2" component_id="" sliver_id=""/>
    <property source_id="click-2:if2" dest_id="click-4:if2"/>
    <property source_id="click-4:if2" dest_id="click-2:if2"/>
    <link_type name="gre-tunnel"/>
  <link client_id="link-B" sliver_id="">
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-4:if3" component_id="" sliver_id=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="host2:if1" component_id="" sliver_id=""/>
    <property source_id="click-4:if3" dest_id="host2:if1"/>
    <property source_id="host2:if1" dest_id="click-4:if3"/>
INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------
INFO:omni: Completed createsliver:

  Options as run:
		aggregate: ['ig-utah']
		framework: pg

  Args: createsliver IG-EXP-7 IG-EXP-7.rspec

  Result Summary: Got Reserved resources RSpec from utah-geniracks-net-protogeniv2 
INFO:omni: ============================================================

$ createsliver -a ig-gpo IG-EXP-7 IG-EXP-7.rspec
INFO:omni:Loading config file /home/lnevers/.gcf/omni_config
INFO:omni:Using control framework pg
INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname ig-gpo with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
INFO:omni:Slice expires within 1 day on 2013-01-12 00:00:00 UTC
INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname ig-gpo with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname ig-gpo with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
INFO:omni:Creating sliver(s) from rspec file IG-EXP-7.rspec for slice
INFO:omni:Got return from CreateSliver for slice IG-EXP-7 at
INFO:omni:<!-- Reserved resources for:
	Slice: IG-EXP-7
	at AM:
	URN: unspecified_AM_URN
INFO:omni:<rspec xmlns="" xmlns:flack="" xmlns:planetlab="" xmlns:xsi="" type="manifest" xsi:schemaLocation="">  

 <node client_id="host1" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false" component_id="" sliver_id="">
    <sliver_type name="emulab-openvz"/>
    <interface client_id="host1:if1" component_id="" sliver_id="" mac_address="020bc59af4d7">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
 <rs:vnode xmlns:rs="" name="pcvm2-6"/><host name=""/><services><login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="31548" username="lnevers"/></services></node>
 <node client_id="click-1" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false" component_id="" sliver_id="">
    <sliver_type name="emulab-openvz"/>
    <interface client_id="click-1:if1" sliver_id="" component_id="">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
    <interface client_id="click-1:if2" component_id="" sliver_id="" mac_address="021bb1129772">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
    <interface client_id="click-1:if3" component_id="" sliver_id="" mac_address="02d50649895f">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
 <rs:vnode xmlns:rs="" name="pcvm2-4"/><host name=""/><services><login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="31546" username="lnevers"/></services></node>
 <node client_id="click-2" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false" component_id="" sliver_id="">
    <sliver_type name="emulab-openvz"/>
    <interface client_id="click-2:if1" component_id="" sliver_id="" mac_address="02fe39b1a2ab">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
    <interface client_id="click-2:if2" sliver_id="" component_id="">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
 <rs:vnode xmlns:rs="" name="pcvm2-5"/><host name=""/><services><login authentication="ssh-keys" hostname="" port="31547" username="lnevers"/></services></node>
 <node client_id="click-3" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false">
    <sliver_type name="emulab-openvz"/>
    <interface client_id="click-3:if1">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
    <interface client_id="click-3:if2">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
 <node client_id="click-4" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false">
    <sliver_type name="emulab-openvz"/>
    <interface client_id="click-4:if1">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
    <interface client_id="click-4:if2">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
    <interface client_id="click-4:if3">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
 <node client_id="host2" component_manager_id="" exclusive="false">
    <sliver_type name="emulab-openvz"/>
    <interface client_id="host2:if1">
    <ip address="" netmask="" type="ipv4"/>
  <link client_id="link-A" sliver_id="">
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <property source_id="host1:if1" dest_id="click-1:if3"/>
    <property source_id="click-1:if3" dest_id="host1:if1"/>
    <interface_ref client_id="host1:if1" component_id="" sliver_id=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-1:if3" component_id="" sliver_id=""/>
  <link client_id="link-0" sliver_id="">
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-1:if1" component_id="" sliver_id=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-3:if1"/>
    <property source_id="click-1:if1" dest_id="click-3:if1"/>
    <property source_id="click-3:if1" dest_id="click-1:if1"/>
    <link_type name="gre-tunnel"/>
  <link client_id="link-1" sliver_id="">
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-1:if2" component_id="" sliver_id=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-2:if1" component_id="" sliver_id=""/>
    <property source_id="click-1:if2" dest_id="clik-2:if1"/>
    <property source_id="click-2:if1" dest_id="clik-1:if2"/>
  <link client_id="link-2">
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-3:if2"/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-4:if1"/>
    <property source_id="click-3:if2" dest_id="click-4:if1"/>
    <property source_id="click-4:if1" dest_id="click-3:if2"/>
  <link client_id="link-3" sliver_id="">
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-2:if2" component_id="" sliver_id=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-4:if2"/>
    <property source_id="click-2:if2" dest_id="click-4:if2"/>
    <property source_id="click-4:if2" dest_id="click-2:if2"/>
    <link_type name="gre-tunnel"/>
  <link client_id="link-B">
    <component_manager name=""/>
    <interface_ref client_id="click-4:if3"/>
    <interface_ref client_id="host2:if1"/>
    <property source_id="click-4:if3" dest_id="host2:if1"/>
    <property source_id="host2:if1" dest_id="click-4:if3"/>
INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------
INFO:omni: Completed createsliver:

  Options as run:
		aggregate: ['ig-gpo']
		framework: pg

  Args: createsliver IG-EXP-7 IG-EXP-7.rspec

  Result Summary: Got Reserved resources RSpec from instageni-gpolab-bbn-com-protogeniv2 
INFO:omni: ============================================================

7. Install Click router

Determine login information for each of the devices allocated:

$ -a ig-gpo IG-EXP-7
host1's geni_status is: ready (am_status:ready) 
User lnevers logins to host1 using:
	xterm -e ssh -p 31548  -i /home/lnevers/.ssh/id_rsa &

click-1's geni_status is: ready (am_status:ready) 
User lnevers logins to click-1 using:
	xterm -e ssh -p 31546  -i /home/lnevers/.ssh/id_rsa &

click-2's geni_status is: ready (am_status:ready) 
User lnevers logins to click-2 using:
	xterm -e ssh -p 31547  -i /home/lnevers/.ssh/id_rsa &

$ -a ig-utah IG-EXP-7 
click-3's geni_status is: changing (am_status:ready) 
User lnevers logins to click-3 using:
	xterm -e ssh -p 31546  -i /home/lnevers/.ssh/id_rsa &

click-4's geni_status is: ready (am_status:ready) 
User lnevers logins to click-4 using:
	xterm -e ssh -p 31547  -i /home/lnevers/.ssh/id_rsa &

host2's geni_status is: changing (am_status:ready) 
User lnevers logins to host2 using:
	xterm -e ssh -p 31548  -i /home/lnevers/.ssh/id_rsa &

Login to each of the click nodes and install click router:

$ sudo yum -y install git
$ sudo git clone git:// /local/click
$ cd /local/click
$ sudo ./configure
$ cd tools 
$ sudo make install 
$ cd /local/click/userlevel/
$ sudo gmake
$ sudo make install
$ ./click ../conf/

8. Determine Click router settings

On each of the four routers, determine the interface and MAC address mappings for all interfaces. Modify the click configuration generation script to add the router interfaces and routes needed. The following are executed on each of the routers:

$ /sbin/ifconfig
$ cd /local/click/userlevel
$ sudo vi /local/click/conf/  

Added interfaces to click-1:

[ "gre2", 0, "", "", "00:18:51:28:CA:C7" ],
[ "mv4.4", 0, "", "", "02:1B:B1:12:97:72" ],
[ "mv4.7", 0, "",   "", "02:D5:06:49:89:5F" ],

added routes to click-1:

[ "", "", "", "gre2" ],

Added interfaces to click-2:

[ "gre3", 0, "", "", "00:18:51:CE:A4:37" ],
[ "mv5.5", 0, "", "", "02:FE:39:B1:A2:AB" ],

added routes to click-2:

[ "", "", "", "mv5.5" ],
[ "", "", "", "gre3" ],

Added interfaces to click-3:

[ "gre2", 0, "", "", "00:18:51:B9:E6:8B" ],
[ "mv8.97", 0, "", "", "02:16:41:CE:F8:05" ],   

added routes to click-3:

[ "", "", "", "mv5.5" ],
[ "", "", "", "gre2" ],

Added Interfaces to click-4:

[ "gre3", 0, "", "", "00:18:51:66:3B:02" ],
[ "mv10.98", 0, "", "", "02:2B:7B:AD:52:79" ],
[ "mv10.99", 0, "", "", "02:51:37:C5:13:AE" ],

added routes to click-4:

[ "", "", "", "gre3" ],

Generated configuration on each click router:

$ sudo /local/click/conf/ > ~/click.conf

For userlevel click, edit the configuration file (~/click.conf) and modify the following line:

toh :: ToHost;

to replace the target "ToHost" with "Discard", as shown below:

toh :: Discard;

9. Run the user-level Click router

Login to each of the routers, and run the user-level Click router by providing the print pings configuration file name. Leave terminal connection open:

$ cd /local/click/userlevel
$ sudo ./click ~/click.conf 

10. Log in to Host1 and send traffic to host2

Log in to host1 and send traffic to host2 and leave traffic running. Review the output on the terminal for each of the

Log in to host2 and send traffic to host1

11. Review Click logs on each Click router

16. Delete slivers

Attachments (7)

Download all attachments as: .zip