[[PageOutline]] = IPv4 Routing Assignment = {{{ #!html


In this experiment you will learn how to set up static routing with the route command. We will use the following network topology for this experiment:
route topology


For this tutorial you need :


All the tools will already be installed at your nodes. For your reference we are going to use:

Where to get help:

For any questions or problem with the tutorial ask your TA or Professor for help. If you are doing this exercise outside the context of a course, please email help@geni.net
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1. Verify your Environment Setup:

This exercise assumes you have already setup your account at the GENI Portal. In particular ensure that:
  1. You can login to the GENI Portal
  2. You are a member of a GENI Project (there is at least a project listed under the ''Projects'' tab.
  3. You have setup your ssh keys (there is at least one key listed under the ''Profile->SSH Keys'' tab.

2. Setup the Topology:

  1. Login to the GENI Portal
  2. Reserve resources within this slice using the EG-3nodes-mesh rspec
}}} '''Action:'' Take a screenshot of the topology in Flack after it is ready and include it in your write up ---- {{{ #!html

Step 3: View Results:

For this example experiment we used the install script facility to automatically install the necessary software and kick-off the experiment. In this very simple setup, we have installed and launched a web server as well as an iperf server, on the server host. On the client, we have started some processes to test both of these services. To view the results of this experiment:
  1. After the background of your slice turns green, press the (i) button that is on the server node icon.
  2. In the information tab that came up, press the Visit button. A new tab should come up that looks like the picture on the side.
  3. Click the Web Server Statistics link to look at statistics. Refresh the page a couple of times to see how the statistics change as the client requests documents.
  4. Click the Logs from the iperf Server link to see the statistics from the iperf transfers.

Optional Step 4: Manually generate traffic:

While conducting experiments in GENI, you will often want to run commands directly on the nodes. In this optional step, you will log in to a node and issue commands directly to it.
  1. Follow these instructions and log in to the client node
  2. When you have successfully logged in, run this command:
    iperf -c server -P 2
    This task shouldn't take more than 30 seconds. Change the number after the ` -P ` argument and watch how the performance is affected while you change the number of parallel TCP connections.
  3. Scroll all the way down the server iperf log, and look at the logs for your transfers
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Step 5: Cleanup experiment:

After you are done with your experiment, you should always release your resources so that other experimenters can use the resources. In order to cleanup your slice :
  1. Press the Delete button in the bottom of your canvas
  2. Select Delete at used managers and confirm your selection.
Wait and after a few moments all the resources will have been released and you will have an empty canvas again. Notice that your slice is still there. There is no way to delete a slice, it will be removed automatically after its expiration date, but remember that a slice is just an empty container so it doesn't take up any resources.
}}} [[Image(GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/Graphics:design.png, left)]] __'''Step 1: Verify your Environment Setup'''__ This experiment assumes you have already setup your account at the GENI Portal. In particular ensure that: * You can login to the [https://portal.geni.net GENI Portal] * You are a member of a GENI Project (there is at least a project listed under the ''Projects'' tab. * You have setup your ssh keys (there is at least one key listed under the ''Profile->SSH Keys'' tab. __'''Step 2: Setup the Topology'''__ * ''Login to the [https://portal.geni.net GENI Portal] and create a slice'' * ''Reserve resources within this slice using the [http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/experiment-support/IPRouting/EG-3nodes-mesh.rspec EG-3nodes-mesh] rspec'' ''Hand in'': A screenshot of the topology after it is ready from Flack. == Experiment == [[Image(GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/Graphics:execute.png, left)]] The goal of this exercise is to setup the routing as indicated in Figure 1; i.e. packets from A send to IP address on node C should be routed via node B. The default behavior between your nodes is different. === Question 2 === ''Verify the default routing behavior using the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traceroute traceroute] linux command.'' ''Hand in'': Screenshots with the output of the traceroutes commands. === Question 3 === ''Use the linux [http://www.hscripts.com/tutorials/linux-commands/route.html route command] to create static routes that match the routing behavior of the diagram.'' ''Hand in:''The routing commands your ran. The final route configuration. === Question 4 === ''Verify that you have created the intended routing behavior using traceroute.'' ''Hand in:'' Screenshots from node A that shows traceroutes for both IP addresses of node C. [[BR]][[BR]] === Tips === [[Image(GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/Graphics:tip.png, 5%, left)]] * Remember that you can use “ifconfig” to determine which Ethernet interface (e.g., eth0) is bound to what IP address at each of the nodes.[[BR]] * In order to enable forwarding of packets on node B you have to execute the following command: {{{ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward }}} * A new slice will always be in its initial state with NO routing set up! == Finish == [[Image(GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/Graphics:finish.png, left)]] 1. Return to the Slice page on Portal. On the row in the aggregate table for the aggregate you used, press the Delete Resources button. 2. When prompted, confirm that you want to delete this sliver. Then, make sure you see a message that you have successfully deleted resources at this aggregate. 3. Do this for as many aggregates as you got resources from.