Version 12 (modified by 14 years ago) (diff) | ,
Project Number
Project Title
Bringing Experimenters and External Connectivity to GENI
a.k.a. BGPMux, DTunnels
Technical Contacts
Principal Investigator: Nick Feamster
BGP Mux Lead Designer: Vytautas Valancius
Student Developer: Yogesh Mundada -
Participating Organizations
School of Computer Science, Georgia Tech
This project will add capabilities to the VINI testbed to enable experiments to carry traffic from real users; and increase the experimental use of the VINI testbed by providing familiar experiment management functions. The deliverables for this project all comprise software for supporting external connectivity and flexible, facile experimentation on the GENI testbed. The primary deliverables are a BGP session multiplexer – a software router based on the Quagga software routing suite, software support for virtual tunnel and node creation, and integration of the above functionality with clearinghouse services developed as part of the ProtoGENI project.
In particular, this project contributes to GENI design and prototyping through BGP mux development integration with ISPs; tunnel & topology establishment & management; ProtoGENI clearinghouse integration; and support for isolation & resource swapout.
MilestoneDate(BGPMux: S2.a Security review 1)? Draft input to GENI Spiral Security Review 1
MilestoneDate(BGPMux: S2.b Initial definition of reference experiment -)? Publish initial definition of reference experiment
MilestoneDate(BGPMux: S2.c BGP-Mux ops transition -)? BGP-Mux Operations Transition
MilestoneDate(BGPMux: S2.d Release 1 integration s/w)? GENI Integration Software Release 1
MilestoneDate(BGPMux: S2.e BGP Mux in GaTech syllabus)? BGP Mux based assignment used in Georgia Tech CS 8803: Next-Generation Networks
MilestoneDate(BGPMux: S2.f Security review 2)? Draft input to GENI Spiral Security Review 2
MilestoneDate(BGPMux: S2.g Intro slides and tutorial)? BGP Mux introductory slides and tutorial code
MilestoneDate(BGPMux: S2.h Release 2 integration s/w)? GENI Integration Software Release 2
MilestoneDate(BGPMux: S2.i Test multi-site experiment)? Implement, document, and deploy test multi-site experiment
Project Technical Documents
''BGP-Mux How-To'' (audience: network operators who may want to install a BGP Mux)
''Using ProtoGENI Flash Interface to Allocate BGP-Mux Resources''
White paper on BGP Mux: mux.pdf
Note on how to configure Quagga to be a BGP-Mux: mux-readme.pdf
BGP Mux Experiment Plan (version: June 2009) mux-plan.pdf
Notes on OSPF and EGRE tunnels: OSPF.txt
Presentations and Demos
Project presentation from GEC3: OptIn WG bgp-mux-gec3.ppt
Demo at GEC4: demo-gec4.pdf
Presentation for demo at GEC4: bgp-mux-presentation.pdf
Demo at GEC5: demo-gec5.pdf
GEC5 Plenary: gec5.ppt
Demo at GEC7: demo-gec7.pdf
Current Mux Deployments
- Georgia Tech:
- Wisconsin:
- PSG - Westin Seattle -
DTunnel maintains an open software repository at
Login: geni-user
Passord: dtunnel!
BGPMux RSPec - draft (Version 0.2: September 16, 2009)
DTunnels RSPec - draft (Version 0.2: September 16, 2009)
Quarterly Status Reports
2009: 1Q09 Status Report| 2Q09 Status Report | 3Q09 Status Report
2008: 4Q08 Status Report
Spiral 1 Connectivity
The DTunnel system is installed in the VINI testbed at Georgia Tech using addresses from their IP address space. The BGPMux part of this project will eventually require external connections and addresses that are not part of VINI address space. Actual addresses for this phase are TBD. Details of IP connectivity with PSGnet for the BGPMux part of this project is TBD. Layer2 virtual ethernet connectivity is not required for this project.
GPO Liaison System Engineer
Related Projects
Attachments (17)
mux.pdf (103.0 KB) - added by 16 years ago.
CoNEXT'07 paper on Multiplexing BGP Sessions with BGP-Mux
OSPF.txt (10.9 KB) - added by 16 years ago.
Notes on OSPF experiment using Quagga software and EGRE tunnels
mux-readme.pdf (73.3 KB) - added by 16 years ago.
BGP Mux Readme (last update: Jan 16, 2009)
demo-gec4.pdf (143.8 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
Description of demo at GEC4
bgp-mux-presentation.pdf (861.9 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
Presentation describing demo of BGP Mux (as at GEC 4)
mux-plan.pdf (36.2 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
BGP Mux Experiment Plan
demo-gec5.pdf (166.2 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
demo at GEC 5
- gec5.ppt (354.5 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- howto.pdf (86.7 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- mux-rspec.xml (1.5 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- vnet.2.xml (1.4 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- vnet.xml (1.4 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
- sfa-11Nov09.pdf (878.1 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
demo-gec7.pdf (400.3 KB) - added by 15 years ago.
Description of demo at GEC7.
BGPMux-Coursework.pdf (102.5 KB) - added by 14 years ago.
BGP Mux based class assignment.
- tp2010-gec8.ppt (1.0 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
BGPMux-Spiral2-review.pptx (1.1 MB) - added by 14 years ago.
Spiral 2 review presentation.