Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#809 closed (fixed)

Plenary demo: Mobility First

Reported by: Mark Berman Owned by: Josh Smift
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: GPO Version: SPIRAL4
Keywords: GEC12 Cc: Ivan Seskar,


  1. Demonstrate key Mobility First prototype router implementation and protocols running on meso-scale GENI resources (WiMAX, GENI backbone network, ProtoGENI).
  2. AC connections for two laptops.
  3. Wired network connections for two laptops.
  4. Special wireless needed. See special requests below.
  5. No static addresses needed.
  6. Two projectors
  7. No monitors
  8. No posters
  9. Several GENI resources are involved in setting up this demonstration. Additional information is being tracked by Manu Gosain and Mark Berman at the GPO, under internal ticket 2874.

Note: this is a plenary demo request, so AC power, wired connectivity, projectors, are shared with other plenary demos.

Demo POC: Kiran Nagaraja <>, Ivan Seskar <Ivan Seskar>

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by

Cc: Ivan Seskar added
Owner: changed from somebody to Josh Smift

To clarify, I do not see any special wireless requested for the plenary demo onsite in Kansas City, right? The special wireless is just at participating sites.

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Josh Smift

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks again for your demo at the plenary session at GEC 12!

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