Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#62 closed (fixed)

Complete bringing 5 HomeNet nodes up

Reported by: Aaron Falk Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: CMU Lab: Deploy and commence operations of 5 residential HomeNet nodes
Component: GPO Version: SPIRAL1
Keywords: Cc: Aaron Falk


Status from Dave Andersen on 3/11/09:

We're running about a week and a half late on this one - we've physically placed the
nodes but haven't turned them on yet.  We expect to do that Friday -- which I'm
guessing means we should have them debugged by about Tuesday.  The list of active
nodes by tuesday *should* be:

- CMU in-window pointing at:
- Intel lab in-window
- Intel lab inside
- Intel lab back-window, pointing generally at
- Andersen home

This is roughly a line pointing out from CMU towards the residential section of 
oakland.  The one in my house is across the street from the apartment building where 
we plan on deploying the rest. While it looks pretty on paper, however, we don't 
expect these nodes will have full coverage - the jump from the Intel lab is impeded by 
some intervening buildings.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by

I believe we have 5 nodes up now. We've added another node in Pittsburgh in a student's home, and in theory should have a node up at Utah soon (it may be done - I am not sure).

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by

This is done. We have 3 intel lab systems, one in the Andersen home, and one in a student's home.

Beyond that, we also have a node coming up at Utah soon (which may be up as we speak).

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by Aaron Falk

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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