Custom Query (1408 matches)


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Results (94 - 96 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#62 fixed Complete bringing 5 HomeNet nodes up Aaron Falk

Status from Dave Andersen on 3/11/09:

We're running about a week and a half late on this one - we've physically placed the
nodes but haven't turned them on yet.  We expect to do that Friday -- which I'm
guessing means we should have them debugged by about Tuesday.  The list of active
nodes by tuesday *should* be:

- CMU in-window pointing at:
- Intel lab in-window
- Intel lab inside
- Intel lab back-window, pointing generally at
- Andersen home

This is roughly a line pointing out from CMU towards the residential section of 
oakland.  The one in my house is across the street from the apartment building where 
we plan on deploying the rest. While it looks pretty on paper, however, we don't 
expect these nodes will have full coverage - the jump from the Intel lab is impeded by 
some intervening buildings.
#198 fixed Complete control plane integration of three Spiral 1 backbone nodes Aaron Falk

Rob says the control plane software works in the lab. Once the third node is installed in the I2 router PoP, the software will be installed and checked out.

#510 fixed Completed design spec somebody

design spec posted 3 Feb 2010. See attached e-mail.

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