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Results (67 - 69 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#832 fixed Davis Social Links Josh Smift

A relevant feature of online social networks like Facebook is the scope for users to share external information from the web with their friends by sharing an URL. The phenomenon of sharing has bridged the web graph with the social network graph and the shared knowledge in ego networks has become a source for relevant information for an individual user, leading to the emergence of social search as a powerful tool for information retrieval. Consideration of the social context has become an essential factor in the process of ranking results in response to queries in social search engines. In this demo, we present InfoSearch, a social search engine built over the Facebook platform, which lets users search for information based on what their friends have shared. We identify and implement three distinct ranking factors based on the number of mutual friends, social group membership, and time stamp of shared documents to rank results for user searches. We perform user studies based on the Facebook feeds of two authors to understand the impact of each ranking factor on the result for two queries.

#870 fixed Davis Social Links

a request for a demo ticket for the Davis Social Links project.

#931 fixed Occupying GENI with Social Packets

One of the critical tasks in performing research experiments is to control and re-produce the background and interaction activities in the real world. In this experiment/demonstration, we will introduce a new abstraction for this purpose, called "social packets". Each social packet captured the interactions among a group of social media users on a particular subject within a particular user community. And, users participated over time on many of such related social packets. For instance, some of the packets we have been collecting are from the occupy movement since last year. And, we will show how these social packets are all about (what do they really mean) and how they can be replayed on GENI.

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