Custom Query (7 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Priority Milestone Component Version
#897 Completion of milestone "WIMXWAYNE: S4.d Documentation and Code Release" new major WIMXWAYNE: S4.d Documentation and Code Release WIMXWAYNE SPIRAL4
#896 Completion of milestone "WIMXWAYNE: S4.c Demonstration at GEC13 and Experimenter Outreach" new major WIMXWAYNE: S4.c Demonstration at GEC13 and Experimenter Outreach WIMXWAYNE SPIRAL4
#895 Completion of milestone "WIMXWAYNE: S4.b Documentation and Code Release" new major WIMXWAYNE: S4.b Documentation and Code Release WIMXWAYNE SPIRAL4
#894 Completion of miltesone "MilWIMXWAYNE: S4.a Demonstration at GEC12 and Experimenter Outreach" new major WIMXWAYNE: S4.a Demonstration at GEC12 and Experimenter Outreach WIMXWAYNE SPIRAL4
#782 Completed Spiral 3 Tasks new major Kansei: S3.f Final report and code release KANSEI SPIRAL3
#781 Completed Spiral 3 Tasks new major Kansei: S3.e Demonstration at GEC11 and Experimenter Outreach KANSEI SPIRAL3
#490 LEARN S2.k Recommendations for Measurement Handlers on GENI new major LEARN SPIRAL2
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