

15:55 Ticket #142 (unable to exchange Iperf tcp traffic between BT and VM in GPO rack) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Created a sliver EG-MON-4-exp2 that includes 1 VM and one Bare Metal …
13:26 Ticket #96 (Source RPMs for packages on bbn-hn) closed by jbs@bbn.com
fixed: No worries; it looks good, so that's it for this one!


16:06 Ticket #19 (configure serial console access from bbn-hn to 8052.bbn.xo and 8264.bbn.xo) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: Sure, that's fine. I had left the ticket open because Chris had some …
15:44 Ticket #127 (decide whether the exogeni rack management switch should have a public ...) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: Verified, closing.


15:19 Ticket #131 (shared VLAN RSpecs definitions do not work as expected) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: This issue is resolved closing ticket.
09:55 Ticket #136 (Exception encountered while creating slive with 1 VM and 1 bare metal node) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.