Custom Query (138 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#163 fixed sliver_type: Treat m1.small as default if none specified somebody

Having a list of sliver_types is great - thanks. With this, plus the default disk image (really awesome, thanks), I can submit a request to ExoGENI that is pretty generic / unbound. And it looks a lot like what I can do at InstaGENI.

The primary difference is sliver_type: For VMs, the possible values are different between InstaGENI and ExoGENI. For advanced users, this seems good - you ask for what you really want.

But if I just want a VM, it would be nice if I didn't have to specify.

Specifically, can we have a default sliver_type - presumably something like m1.small, if none is specified?

This would allow a very simple request RSpec to work at both kinds of racks:

<rspec type="request" xsi:schemaLocation="     
  <node client_id="mine"/>
#170 fixed GetVersion lists wrong shared-vlan extension somebody

Now that Orca uses the shared-vlan extension, the extensions list returned by GetVersion needs to be updated to point to the correct extension URL

#172 fixed getversion should return geni_am_type somebody

It would be nice if getversion returned the geni_am_type allowing tools to see that this is an Orca based aggregate. And therefore knowing things like 'you might want to look at the ExoSM too', etc.

See the spec here: Specifically, return: {{{{ geni_am_type = orca }}}

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