Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#73 closed (fixed)

Create timeline for deploying a rack

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Administration Version: SPIRAL5
Keywords: Cc:


Create a document covering all the steps in deploying a rack, including things that the site admins need to do beforehand, during, and after, from specification to ordering to opening the rack up to GENI experimenters.

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by

I think we've talked before about the need for such a thing, but if it's not clear what we're looking for here, ask and we can clarify.

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by

Leigh writes:

From: Leigh Stoller <>
Subject: Re: [instageni-design] [GENI: instageni] #73: Create timeline for
        deploying a rack
Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2013 10:32:24 -0800

> Create a document covering all the steps in deploying a rack, including
> things that the site admins need to do beforehand, during, and after, from
> specification to ordering to opening the rack up to GENI experimenters.

This seems like a multipart document; stuff like specification and ordering
are above my pay grade.

For my todo list, I will document deployment and setup details that the rack
admin needs to know and wrap it around the site questionnaire page that
I did a couple of weeks ago.

Makes sense. Should we split this into separate tickets for the various parts, or leave it as a monolithic ticket that the various documentation-writers can contribute to?

(Incidentally, Leigh: it'd be somewhat simpler for me if you could contribute to tickets by actually updating them, rather than just by replying and having me copy and paste your e-mail. (grin) Unfortunately, e-mail replies don't actually go into the ticket history; that'd be nice, but it's not a feature we have at the moment.)

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by

Owner: changed from somebody to

We talked about this on the InstaGENI call today, and agreed that Joe and Rob are working on the process as a whole, so a monolithic ticket is probably fine. Assigning this to Rob for the moment.

comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I think this is pretty well set at this point; if it's not, someone can reopen it.

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