Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#64 closed task (fixed)

Intermittent authentication failure

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: GEC19
Component: Authentication/Authorization Version: Sprint6
Keywords: Cc:


We are seeing intermittent authentication failures in Labwiki. It succeeds if you click on try again. This is the error message that is received:

Authentication failed. Server responds that the 'check_authentication' call is not valid

Change History (11)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by

Response from Tom:

Jeanne and I spent some time looking at this issue. It is easy to reproduce. Unfortunately there’s nothing in the logs in my side. The error does not induce any log messages.

I googled for “responds that the 'check_authentication' call is not valid" and turned up: Is that the client you are using?

I also turned up these as the next four hits on google:

The first four reference ruby-openid, and may have some useful suggestions and/or patches.

Note: the error may still be on our server side, I don’t know. Unfortunately we’ll have to instrument our server with log messages which we really shouldn't do this close to the GEC. We are under a code freeze at this time (as of Oct. 13).

I opened a ticket for us: to track this issue.

Please let me know if any of this helps.

Sorry for the trouble,

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by

thanks tom,

we indeed use ruby-openid, and i actually went through these info on the web, and already implemented some of the workaround they suggested. Unfortunately none of the solutions is a definitely fix by going through some of the replies (works for some openid provider, not the others, e.g.)

i will investigate more in the near future, and could try different openid options, also try to capture data exchanged between client and different openid providers. I hope eventually I could spot some useful things that could help debugging on both sides.



comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by

Milestone: GEC18GEC19
Version: WrapUpBacklog

comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by

Version: BacklogSprint2

This is being tracked within GPO as Adding this to the ticket to keep track of this association even though most will not be able to access this ticket.

comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by

After many attempts, seems I cannot reproduce this issue any more. Wondering if any changes performed on the server side, or I am just extremely lucky.

This little app here can be used to test, and I tried instances on emmy9 as well.

comment:6 Changed 10 years ago by

This morning, I tried 20 times using Labwiki (port 4000) with Chrome and 20 times using Labwiki Firefox. I was able to hit the failure 7/20 on Chrome and 6/20 on FF. I did see as many as 7 successful logins in a row before hitting this failure.

I tried again using your app. This time I got 8/20 failures on Chrome and 6/20 on FF. The failures produced the following error message:

Bad signature in response from

Let me know if there is any other information I can gather when reproducing. Or I can set up remote access to a system that reproduces the error if that helps at all.

comment:7 Changed 10 years ago by

Hmmmm, I think I've stumbled upon something interesting. I tried again to reproduce the problem after the portal upgrade to make sure that didn't have any impact on the issue. I was still able to reproduce the failure with my account (johren). However, I also tried testing this with my second "test" account (johren2). I was NOT able to reproduce the problem after

over 20 tries when I used the johren2 account. I was using user johren in Chrome and johren2 in FF. I then tried swapping browsers (johren2 in Chrome and johren in FF) and I found that the problem followed the johren user.

So, what information do we need to gather to shed more light on this problem? Is it something that Tom or I can gather or do we need to find another user for Jack to use to reproduce the problem?

comment:8 Changed 10 years ago by

Version: Sprint2Sprint3

comment:9 Changed 10 years ago by

Version: Sprint3Sprint5

Moving to sprint 5 when Jack returns from vacation.

comment:10 Changed 10 years ago by

Version: Sprint5Sprint6

comment:11 Changed 10 years ago by

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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