[[PageOutline]] = Creating Inter-aggregate Links = {{{ #!html


In this experiment you will learn how to set up static routing with the route command. We will use the following network topology for this experiment:
route topology


For this tutorial you need :


All the tools will already be installed on your nodes. For your reference we are going to use:

Where to get help:

  • Take a look at the Tips section in the end of the exercise
  • Contact your TA and/or Professor for help. If you are doing this exercise outside the context of a course, please email help@geni.net
}}} ---- {{{ #!html

1. Verify your Environment Setup:

This exercise assumes you have already setup your account at the GENI Portal. In particular ensure that:
  1. You can login to the GENI Portal
  2. You are a member of a GENI Project (there is at least one project listed under the ''Projects'' tab)
  3. You have setup your ssh keys (there is at least one key listed under the ''Profile->SSH Keys'' tab)

2. Setup the Topology:

  1. Login to the GENI Portal
  2. Create a new slice with the name of your choice.
  3. Click the Add Resources button on the Slice page.
  4. Drag two VMs (the black icons) onto the canvas.
  5. Draw a link between them.
  6. Drag a second site onto the canvas.
  7. Drag one of the existing VMs to the second site.
  8. Click on the unlabeled box in the middle of the link. Selected "Stitched Ethernet" as the link type.
  9. Bind each site to an aggregate. (If you are doing this as part of a tutorial, use the aggregates specified on your worksheet.)
  10. Click the Auto-IP button (it's below the Jacks pane).
  11. Click Reserve Resources.
  12. After the nodes are reserved, return to the slice page and wait for the nodes to be ready.
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3. Test Connectivity

  1. Log into one of the nodes and ping the other node.
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4. Cleanup

After you are done with the exercise, delete your resources:
Wait and after a few moments all the resources will have been released and you will have an empty canvas again.
}}} ---- [[Image(GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/Graphics:tip.png, 40, left)]] = Tips = * If you get a "Command not found " error when executing standard commands like `ifconfig` add `sbin` to your path: {{{ export PATH=$PATH:/sbin }}} * Remember that you can use “ifconfig” to determine which Ethernet interface (e.g., eth0) is bound to what IP address at each of the nodes. * In order to enable IP forwarding of packets on a node you have to execute the following command: {{{ sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward' }}} * A new slice will always be in its initial state with NO routing set up! * A useful tool to debug the packet flow is [http://www.tcpdump.org/ tcpdump]. In order to install it run: {{{ sudo apt-get install tcpdump }}}