= OpenFlow Firewall = !TinyUrl: [http://tinyurl.com/geni-nfv-firewall] ''This exercise is based on as assignment by [http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/GENIEducation/SampleAssignments/OpenFlowFirewallAssignment Sonia Famy, Ethan Blanton and Sriharsha Gangam of Purdue University].'' {{{ #!html


In this tutorial you will learn how to build a Firewall for a network using OpenFlow. We will use the following network topology for this experiment. You will also learn how to take advantage of kernel L3 routing while using OVS . route topology


For this tutorial you need :


All the tools will already be installed at your nodes. For your reference we are going to use a Ryu controller.

Where to get help:

For any questions or problem with the tutorial please email geni-users@googlegroups.com
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If you have already reserved the topology from a previous tutorial you can move to Execute.

1. Verify your Environment Setup:

This exercise assumes you have already setup your account at the GENI Portal. In particular ensure that:
  1. You can login to the GENI Portal
  2. You are a member of a GENI Project (there is at least one project listed under the ''Projects'' tab)
  3. You have setup your ssh keys (there is at least one key listed under the ''Profile->SSH Keys'' tab)

2. Setup the Topology:

  1. Login to the GENI Portal
  2. Reserve:
    1. the topology from an InstaGENI rack using the OpenFlow OVS all XEN RSpec (In Portal: "OpenFlow OVS all XEN"; URL: http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/experiment-support/OpenFlowOVS/openflowovs-all-xen.rspec.xml)
    2. at a different InstaGENI rack reserve a XEN OpenFlow Controller RSpec (In Portal: "XEN OpenFlow Controller"; URL: http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/experiment-support/OpenFlowOVS/xen-openflow-controller-rspec.xml)
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  1. Log into switch and run the following commands to download and run the firewall controller:
    sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev zlib1g-dev
    sudo pip install oslo.config
  2. Run a simple learning switch controller:
    cd /tmp/ryu
    ./bin/ryu-manager --verbose ryu/app/simple_switch.py
  3. Verify simple connectivity by logging into right ping left
    ping left
    Notice the printouts of the ryu simple switch controller.
  4. Stop your controller by Ctrl-c and remove all your flows
    sudo ovs-ofctl del-flows br0
  5. Make your switch into a firewall by downloading and running the appropriate Ryu controller:
    wget http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/exp/OpenFlowExampleExperiment/ryu/gpo-ryu-firewall.tar.gz
    tar xvfz gpo-ryu-firewall.tar.gz
    cd gpo-ryu-firewall/
    /tmp/ryu/bin/ryu-manager simple_firewall.py
    WARNING If at some point your controller prints an error, kill it (ctrc-c) and start it again.
  6. Log into right and run a nc server:
    nc -l 5001
  7. Log into left and run a nc client:
    nc 5001
  8. Type some text in left and it should appear in right and vise versa.
  9. In the terminal for switch you should see messages about the flow being passed or not:
    Extracted rule {'sport': '57430', 'dport': '5001', 'sip': '', 'dip': ''}
    Allow Connection rule {'dport': '5001', 'dip': '', 'sip': '', 'sport': 'any'}
  10. CTRL-C to kill nc in each terminal.
  11. Run a nc server on port 5002, then 5003.
    • Compare the observed behavior to the contents of ~/gpo-ryu-firewall/fw.conf. Does the behavior match the configuration file?
    • Stop the Firewall controller and run a simple switch controller. Is there any traffic being blocked now? Don't forget to delete the flows after you stop the controller
    • Feel free to modify the configuration file to allow more traffic.
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6. Cleanup

After you are done with the exercise and you have captured everything requested for the writeup, you should release your resources so that other experimenters can use them. In order to cleanup your slice :
  1. In Flack, press the Delete button in the bottom of your canvas
  2. Select Delete at used managers and confirm your selection.
Wait and after a few moments all the resources will have been released and you will have an empty canvas again. Notice that your slice is still there. There is no way to delete a slice, it will be removed automatically after its expiration date, but remember that a slice is just an empty container so it doesn't take up any resources.
}}} ---- [[Image(GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/Graphics:tip.png, 40, left)]] = Tips = * Remember that you can use “ifconfig” to determine which Ethernet interface (e.g., eth0) is bound to what IP address at each of the nodes. * In order to enable IP forwarding of packets on a node you have to execute the following command: {{{ sudo sh -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward' }}} For this experiment we will run an !OpenFlow Firewall. [[Image(http://groups.geni.net/geni/raw-attachment/wiki/GENIExperimenter/Tutorials/OpenFlowNetworkDevices/Firewall/Firewall-2.png, 50%, nolink)]] {{{ #!html
  1. Log into switch and run the following commands to download and run the firewall controller:
    sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev zlib1g-dev
    sudo pip install oslo.config
  2. Run a simple learning switch controller:
    cd /tmp/ryu
    ./bin/ryu-manager --verbose ryu/app/simple_switch.py
  3. Verify simple connectivity by logging into right ping left
    ping left
    Notice the printouts of the ryu simple switch controller.
  4. Stop your controller by Ctrl-c and remove all your flows
    sudo ovs-ofctl del-flows br0
  5. Make your switch into a firewall by downloading and running the appropriate Ryu controller:
    wget http://www.gpolab.bbn.com/exp/OpenFlowExampleExperiment/ryu/gpo-ryu-firewall.tar.gz
    tar xvfz gpo-ryu-firewall.tar.gz
    cd gpo-ryu-firewall/
    /tmp/ryu/bin/ryu-manager simple_firewall.py
    WARNING If at some point your controller prints an error, kill it (ctrc-c) and start it again.
  6. Log into right and run a nc server:
    nc -l 5001
  7. Log into left and run a nc client:
    nc 5001
  8. Type some text in left and it should appear in right and vise versa.
  9. In the terminal for switch you should see messages about the flow being passed or not:
    Extracted rule {'sport': '57430', 'dport': '5001', 'sip': '', 'dip': ''}
    Allow Connection rule {'dport': '5001', 'dip': '', 'sip': '', 'sport': 'any'}
  10. CTRL-C to kill nc in each terminal.
  11. Run a nc server on port 5002, then 5003.
    • Compare the observed behavior to the contents of ~/gpo-ryu-firewall/fw.conf. Does the behavior match the configuration file?
    • Stop the Firewall controller and run a simple switch controller. Is there any traffic being blocked now? Don't forget to delete the flows after you stop the controller
    • Feel free to modify the configuration file to allow more traffic.
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