

Creating and Loading a Disk Image

To prepare his experiment, he loaded a baseline image onto a node on ORBIT's Sandbox 4.

Try it yourself another time: To load a baseline image onto a node, e.g. node1-6 on ORBIT's Sandbox 4, run
omf load -i baseline.ndz -t

Then he installed all the applications he needs on the node, and saved the disk image.

Try it yourself another time: To save a disk image from a node, e.g. node1-6 on ORBIT's Sandbox 4, run
omf save -n

When the image saving process concluded, it reported that his disk image had been saved and gave the name of the image. Now, when he wants to run his experiment, he will load his disk image onto the nodes he has reserved:

omf load -i wmxtutor-streamload.ndz -t,,

Tip: If any node doesn't seem to be checking in, e.g. you see output like this:

INFO stdlib: Waiting for nodes (Up/Down/Total): 2/1/3 - (still down: [140 sec.]

try opening another SSH session to the sb4 console and resetting the misbehaving node:
omf tell -a reset -t

Clearing Experiment Settings

In addition to loading a fresh disk image, additional steps must be taken to restore the wireless environment to its default state. These commands are run from the console on Sandbox 4 to reset all of the base station and attenuation settings:

wget -qO- "http://wimaxrf:5052/wimaxrf/bs/default"
wget -qO- "http://wimaxrf:5052/wimaxrf/bs/restart"
wget -qO- "" | xml_pp
wget -qO- "http://wimaxrf:5052/wimaxrf/datapath/config/load?name=default"


Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 07/17/13 19:50:49